13. The Diaper Bag

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N A D A' S P O V

I had to get Alizah changed and her diaper too. She may feel suffocated with that same diaper. Yikes.

"Where are her clothes?" I asked Fahad looking around the room.

"I have a got her a small cupboard in which all her necessities are kept." He answered. Hmm. . . Impressive. I walked towards the cupboard and found out all the necessities neatly kept. Some brain he has.

"Keep an eye on Alizah. She may fall down. Did you get her the cupboard?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Yes. Only the arrangements of things were done by Uméma."

"Hmm.. by the way clear some place for me in your closet." I spoke nonchalantly.

"Why the heck would I do that?" He shouted at me.

"Slow down. You don't shout and use 'heck' in front of a baby." I scolded him. Doesn't he have some common sense?

"What's wrong with 'heck'?"


"And why the 'H' would I clear some space in my wardrobe?" He spat, replacing 'heck' with 'H'.

"For my clothes. Duh." I spoke in a duh tone taking out a cute bunny dress for Alizah.

"'H' no!!!" He shouted again. What the heck is his problem?

"Why not?" I retorted back.

"Because it's my room."

"You will or else I will do it myself." I threw a big packet of diapers at him which hit him at his forehead and I let out a laugh. Should've thrown the new ones. Lol.

"How dare you throw it at me?" He growled at me. Ew. What was so 'Ew' in it? I don't need a reason to say 'Ew' to Fahad, his existence is enough!

"Want me to throw it at you again?" I cross-examined him and again started laughing. And then people, I too got hit by the same packet of diapers.

"Karma watches everyone."


"Want me to throw it again at you?" He mocked at me, cockily.

"Copycat." We both said at the same time.

"I am going to keep my clothes in your closet no matter what."

"No you won't."

"Who are you to stop me?"

"The owner of this room. I can even kick you out of this room."

"You fake person! You call yourself a gentleman?" I hollered at him.

"Whatever I am and whoever I am, I am better than you. Get that?" He smirked. Ughhhhh!

I again threw the diaper bag at him. Yes, that's what you get, you stupid!

"Quit your childish ways. It will hurt Alizah, you stupid woman." He countered back at me. Now he knows how to be mature?

"How will it hurt Alizah when you are practically sitting beside her and she is laying down at the other side? Can't you see? It's okay it happens I always knew that you have some problems with your brain."

He threw that diaper bag at me again and said, "You sound better when your mouth is closed, has anybody mentioned that to you before?"

"No, other people have brains unlike you they don't talk rubbish." I snapped at him.

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