23. Who Is She?

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N A D A' S P O V

I did a full one-eighty as I thought about me and Alizah.

"Wait! Fahad! You meanie!" I stopped Fahad.

"Wha-at?" He said in a sing-song voice while playing with Alizah.

"If you are not telling your Uncle about our marriage then WHAT HAPPENS TO ME AND ALIZAH?!?"

He looked at me as if he was hit by a bus. Guess, the genius too didn't think about it.

"It's okay. I and Alizah will go to my home." I said and opened the closet and started taking out my clothes.

"Umm no we will talk about this tomorrow with Mom." He suggested from behind me.

"Why? I mean the only way left is only this. So why not I start packing now." I explained him.

"Oh-kay." He said and nodded. Bland.

I packed Alizah's and my bag in half an hour and relaxed.

Oof! It was very tiring. I looked at Fahad who was with Alizah.

"By the way congratulations!" I heard him saying.

"Isn't it a bit too early? You could have said it tomorrow." I exclaimed him sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

"Miss Sarcastic, I know I am late but be grateful that I am atleast wishing you."

"You are such an egotistical person. I wouldn't have died if you hadn't wished me. Keep your congratulations with yourself!" I huffed and turned away crossing my arms against my chest.

"Nada don't you think you are being a way too rude?"

"Fahad don't you think that you are being way too selfish?"

"Nada don't you think that you are going bonkers?"

"Your influence."

"Oh God! What do you eat Nada that you have become this..." And he trailed off.

"This what? What, huh?" I shouted at him.

"Let's go Alizah your Mom has gone bonkers." He mocked me, getting up.

"You know what Fahad? You-"

"I don't know and don't even want to know."

"Shut up and listen to me you are a big HYPOCRITE you say something and do something." I bursted at him.

"As if you are the purest soul living on the planet."

"Not the purest but I am more pure than you." And I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please! Every body knows what you are." He raised his eyebrows. "Be happy that I am baring you."

"You should be happy that I am baring you." I pointed finger at him.

"Oh please don't give yourself so much importantance even if you were the last person on the Earth I wouldn't have shared my room with you." He chattered on.

"If I were the last person on the Earth then you wouldn't have even exist also." I snapped and went inside the washroom with my pyjamas in my hands.

I came out and made Fahad's bed, which was on the floor. Huh, serves him right.

"Make her sleep or give her to me." I looked at Fahad who had Alizah with him.

"Okay take her then I'll go and change." He gave her to me and left to change his clothes.

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