38. Owner Of Her Heart

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F A H A D' S P O V

This girl is driving me nuts. How could she, who used to despise me the most, loves me?!

It's still difficult to digest that fact. Is it a fact though?

Maybe she is lying.

But why would she lie?

Ugh, it's really stressful. I should stay away from her as I am soon going to divorce her. I have no motive to be tied to her cause I am a man of my words. She feels for me, I don't, do I? No. I don't feel anything. Nothing. And I shouldn't be.

She is messing with my head, as I am thinking about all of it a part of me still doesn't concede with me.

I really need to sleep now. My mind needs rest.

I was in deep sleep when a soft voice pulled me out of my slumber.

"Fahad." A frail hand shook me by my shoulders.

"Fahad, get up, or else you will be late for your Salah." I recognised this voice, it was Nada's.

My eyes opened wide at the sudden realisation that it was Nada who spoke so softly. Well, that was unexpected cause she is always cranky in the morning.

"Seems like someone woke up on the right side of the bed." I commented getting up.

"Huh? You're talking to me? Yes, I did wake up with a good mood today." She beamed as she started to make my side of the bed.

"It's ok, I can do it myself. You don't need to it." I began.

"I am volunteering. I am willingly doing it. I want to do it for my husband. After all I am your wife." She insisted.

"Don't add those words." I chastised not liking her choice of words. I do not like what she said. I still do not consider this relationship.

I saw a flash of hurt in her eyes as my mouth delivered those words.

"It's okay. You might not want to contemplate about this relation, but we are married by all means. And for me you are my husband. Now, you not considering me as your wife is your choice. Which I will soon change." She heaved off muttering the last sentence.

"You are a complete fool." I badgered. Again, her eyes showed pain.

"Nada." I appealed. "You're wasting your time. Get free from me. I can divorce you right now. You can go, do whatever you want, study further, get a job, or a find a perfect man for you." I beseeched hoping that my words effect her.

"Can't you see my love for in my eyes? Concern for you? Care for you?" She croaked out. Ah, is she gonna cry now? That was not my intention.

"Am I asking you to love me back? No. Just give me a day. I don't know whether I will be able to make you fall in love with me or not but I will, definitely, prove my love to you." She reiterated.

"Stop being in denial, you stupid girl!" I bursted out all she did was give me a small smile and walked towards the closet.

"What? Are you not gonna fight me back?" I followed behind her who was rummaging through my clothes.

"Nope." Came her short answer.

"Why?" I made her turn towards me.

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