45. The Whole Universe

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N A D A' S  P O V

"Asalamwalikum!" I squealed at Aunt Naaz who looked really surprised when she saw me. 

"Walaikumasalam my dear child!" She hugged me tight.

"How are you?"

"You tell me, how are you? The state in which you left was not at all good." She asked me out of concern.

"Now I am fine na, that's all matters. Whatever happened-just happened. Not gonna reminisce it anymore." I smiled at her.

"So, my son finally realised his love and mistakes, hmm?" She nudged at Fahad.

"Very late, but at least he did!" Uméma chimed in. This girl never leaves a chance to insult her brother. Lol. "But when he realised, he really shocked everyone of us."

"Really, Fahad?" Aunt Naaz asked him excitedly.

"Uh, Mom, I am going to change cause I- uh it's my birthday and we all have to be at the venue, you guys also get ready." Fahad spluttered as he hurried into his room. Shy boy!

"You know that its his first time celebrating his birthday!" Aunt Naaz cajoled in joy.

"I know right! I don't even remember when we celebrated his last birthday. He never used to be present on his birthdays. Making some work excuse, he used to leave the house knowing that I and Mom would be surprising him." Uméma spoke in disdain. "But look at him now, first birthday with his wife and already throwing a party." She wiggled her eyebrows at me suggestively making me blush.

"So. . . Can I expect grandchildren soon?" Aunt Naaz asked the same question which my Mom did when I informed her that I'll be returning back at Fahad's house. I tried to convince her that I will stay with for some more times but she dismissed me saying that "No, no need, just now you guys sorted out your differences. Also, just because you didn't inform me doesn't mean that I didn't notice the sadness when you left Fahad's house." Mom know everything, huh.

Right now I am blushing profusely. "Uh. . . I-  umm, Fahad must be looking for me. I shall go." I sprinted from the situation and ran upstairs.

I was standing infront of our door, dreading to go inside. Actually I am nervous.

"Nada? What are you doing outside?" Uméma asked me as she walked up and stood in front of me.

"I don't know. I just. . ." I trailed off.

"Arey he is your husband why are you fretting over it? Go inside and. . . well you can do whatever you want." She grinned at me.

"Tell me seriously na Nada, when can I expect nephew or a niece?" She asked me excitedly holding my hands.

"Can you stop already?" My face got flushed as I heard that. She just laughed at me. "We'll see when you get married. Get ready for that."  Soon her laughter died.

"You didn't have to drop that bomb, okay?" She said with a sour face. "Now go get ready your Romeo would be getting impatient." She teased me while going into her, which was diagonal to ours.

"Shut up, Ummi!" I shouted at her.

"Wear green! That's is his favourite color." She said in a sing-song manner once she stood near the door.

"I wish I knew Shariq's favourite colour but I don't. However, you can wear the same colour as your eyes probably that would be his favourite colour!" As soon as I spoke those words I rushed inside with full speed and locked the door. I heaved against the door gasping for air. Such low stamina! I did hear Uméma shout though.

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