25. Saving Each Other

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F A H A D' S P O V

The relief on her face, after I saved her, was evident. Very evident. Uncle Zoheb and Aunt Mehek has taken a good interview about her. Previously they thought that she was single and I don't know why I didn't like it. So I interrupted in between.

And Rehanna! Man, that girl doesn't take a no for an answer. Since she was sixteen she has a crush on me. Like come on child grow up I am years older than you. She is Azra's best friend, so one day when we went to visit Uncle Zoheb's house, she was there too and she likes me since then. And I don't like her. I don't have time for romance now.

What about Nada? My brain had to come in between.

Don't include her.

Why? She is special?

Wow now I am getting teased by my own brain.

As we were walking towards the dining table, I sat on my own place and beside me Rehanna was going to sit when Uméma sat down quickly.

Isn't the place beside me Nada's?

"You can sit beside me Rehanna." Uméma said to Rehanna motioning her hand towards her right.

I looked at Nada who went and sat beside Mom, which used to be Uméma's seat. Right she can't sit beside me now?

"Uh..wait Nada you know that beside Mom is my place. Please switch your places with me!" Uméma exclaimed from beside me.

I see Uméma is playing her games here. What's the need to do that? I already hate that girl. She literally steps on my foot and not to forget she always throws randomn things at me.

"It's okay Ummi you sit there today, hmm?" Nada said smiling, but here eyes were widened telling her not to pull any games.

Oh yeah! She is not sitting beside me.

"No please sister-in-la- I-I mean sister-in-love-with-me." God! How could Uméma be so dumb. I facepalmed. Plus she stammered too.

Nada's eyes got wide but thankfully no one noticed Uméma spilling out sister-in-law. Almost.

"Fine come." Nada got up and Uméma went beside Mom not before winking at both of us and getting glares from us.

"Phew! That was close." Nada huffed from beside.

"This all wouldn't have happened if you in the first place would have come and sat here." I complained.

"Yes! And let people know that you are my husband, right?" She whisper-yelled sarcastically.

"It's not important that only a wife has to sit beside her husband." I whispered back. "Again! Again you are being sarcastic." I remarked at her said and started filling my plate.

"Again! Again you are being an total idiot." She retorted back.

"Are you imitating me?" I asked her exasperated.

"Are you imitating me?" She fired back with amusement in her eyes.

It's confirm now. She is a kid who is imitating me now.

"Right Fahad?" Aunt Mehek asked me. Well, I guess I missed a lot while arguing with Nada.

"Umm..what were you saying Aunt?" I asked her, embarrassed as I didn't listen to her before.

"I said that when are you planning to get married?" She asked me.

Please any type of questions but not related to my married life. Cause it's really complicated now.

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