26. Clumsy

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First of all EID MUBARAK GUYS!! I hope Allah grants us all the wishes we asked him to, accepted all our worships, supplication, fasts and prayers. Keep all our parents, family, relatives and acquaintances safe and healthy. Also, this Corona-Pandemic ends too. SAY AMEEN PEOPLE! Ameen.

A little Eidi from me to you guys :p

N A D A' S  P O V

"Pass me that jug." I heard Fahad from beside me.

"Hmm." I passed the jug. I still kept my mouth shut so that he knows that I am angry at him because of what he did last night.

It was the next day, we were all having breakfast when this idiot decided to irritate me with his presence.

"Pass the jam bottle." He again asked.

I glared at him, however passed the bottle.

"Pass me the salt. Now."

"Fahad you are literally eating a jam-butter sandwich! Why do you need salt? Oh yes! To irritate me, right?" I whispered angrily at him.

"Hey! I just asked you to pass that sprinkler! You inhuman!"

"Whom did you call an inhuman?"

"Probably the one who is asking this question." He cocked his eyebrows at him.

"Look, I am not your maid, servant, slave or any kind assistant so if you want something just get up and take. You get that?" I told him and continued eating my breakfast.

"I was asking you only because you were closer to it."

"Rehanna is more closer, ask her." I smirked at and in return he glared at me, very hard.

However I didn't want Rehanna to pass the sprinkler. I don't know why? And I was also feeling a slightly relief that he didn't like her much. So I took the sprinkler and I was going to give him when it slipped it from my hands and hit him.

Oh God! I am in trouble now.

"I am so sorry! It happened by mistake." I apologized.

Damn my clumsiness!

By now everyone on the table was staring at us.

"No need for your sorry." He gritted his teeth at me and got up. I guess it did hurt him. The salt sprinkler.

"AllahHafiz (Parting greeting. Basically means let God be with you) everyone. I gotta go." He bid his goodbyes. Everybody answered him.

"AllahHafiz Fahad!" Rehanna chimed in. Ugh why my heart doesn't like it?

It was nearing to lunch time, after offering my Salah (prayer), I called my mom and asked how was her trip. I also got a call from Mira who said that she wanted to meet me. Even I miss her. She said that she is gonna go to Rahim's office so after that we could meet at the café.

I thought why not go to Fahad's office with lunch as a sorry. Yes! That's a good idea. Even though I dislike him I think he deserves a sorry. Why now? I don't have any answers for that.

I quickly went to the kitchen and packed his lunch. I hope he doesn't eat his lunch outside today. Everyday he always eats from outside and I think that it is not good.

"I am going to meet Mira Mom! AllahHafiz!" I told her when I was wearing my footwear.

"Taking Alizah along with you?" She asked me.

"Umm yes! You will be fine? All alone?" I asked her as all the others: Uncle Zoheb, Aunt Meher, Rehanna and Azra went for outing. Uméma decided to show them around and Aunt Naaz didn't go as she would get tired and I didn't want to intrude the family time by joining them, everybody did force but I didn't want to and with Alizah then never and Fahad gave his typical excuse of work.

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