24. Hiding Truths

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N A D A' S P O V

I and Aunt Naaz were sitting on the couch with Alizah in between us.

Basically we were just chilling.

"Such a darling she is, how her parents must be so helpless that they had to give up on her." I sighed away looking at Alizah who was sucking her pacifier.

"Maybe they have left her purposely." Aunt Naaz added.

"No, Mom how could someone leave their daughter just like that." I told her in the nicest tone possible not trynna be rude.

"I have seen. Money is important than family and love. I just pray that this doesn't happen with Alizah." She kissed Alizah's cheeks, with a very melancholic mood.


"ASALAMWALAIKUM (peace be upon you) MOMMM AND NADAAA AND NOT TO FORGET MY SWEET LITTLE NIECE!!" I heard Uméma shouting as she entered the house.

Ugh...again 'niece'.

"Walaikumasalam (peace be upon you too)." Aunt Naaz and I replied simultaneously.

"Oh I see all the preparations are done for Uncle Zoheb." She said looking at the living area.

"Yes, they will arrive shortly but this Fahad still hasn't come. I had asked him to come early today still." Aunt Naaz complained.

"What Nada?" Uméma came beside me and asked.

"What?" I asked her.

"Why is he late? Doesn't he want to come home and spend some quality time with his family?"

"How would I know? And you, get changed. Uncle Zoheb will be coming now." I walked away.

"It's okay with you right to take the other room?" Aunt Naaz asked. I was going to get shifted, along with Alizah, the room adjacent from Fahad's room.

"Ofcourse. I have already shifted mine and Alizah's clothes. Also, you are asking me this question for the fifth time. It's fine." I tried to convince her.

"I am feeling guilty because you are not able to live in your own room." She said in disdain.

"It's okay and anyway you know that I and Fahad are not real married couple." I reasoned out and she also nodded with sad face and I don't know why that also made me sad.

"Mom can you please feed Alizah I have to go and set my wardrobe too. Please!!" I requested her.

"There's no need to request. I will gladly do that. Come on baby." She cooed picking Alizah up, who giggled gleefully.

As Aunt Naaz disappeared into kitchen and Uméma into her room. I also decided to go upstairs when the bell rang.

I opened the door to see the infamous pillow thrower. Excuse my English people.

"Oh welcome Mister." I sneered with a sarcastic smile and stomped on his foot.

"You insane woman! HOW MUCH DO YOU WEIGH?! YOU WHALE!!" He asked groaning in pain.

"Oh! You insane man! I don't weight much. I am just ninety two pounds." I snapped back at him and removed my foot from his.

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