15. First Night

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N A D A' S P O V

Now what to do? Three people one bed. Well technically not three but two and half cause Alizah is still an infant.

Wait, WTH?! Did I just have that conversation in my head. I am so dumb.


We both were standing, I, in the nightdress which I borrowed from Uméma and Fahad beside me with his hands across his chest.

"I am not trying to be mean but I am sleeping on the bed. Umm...you can sleep there." I said to Fahad pointing towards the floor.

"First you say that you are not trying to be mean and later you be the selfish girl and points at the floor for me to sleep? What logic is this?" He questioned me calmly.

"Fine you want to sleep on the bed. Sleep. I don't mind. But don't tell me that I move too much." I clarified. I knew he will never want to sleep with me. Well that sounded wrong.

"See, what we will do is one day you will sleep on the bed and the next day I will." He came up with a new idea.

"Fine." I agreed.

"But only on one condition I will be sleeping on the floor and you will be making my bed on the floor." Huh? Why would I?

"Sorry. But did you just say I will do that?" I asked him bewildered and he nodded at that.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked him moving my hands frantically.

"Do I look like a person that will joke around?" He raised his eyebrows at me.

"No. Why will I do that? You want to sleep. You make your bed and sleep. Naukar nahi hun mein tumhari!" I snapped at him. (I am not a servant of yours.)

"You will do it!"

"I will not do it!"

"You will!"

"Will not!"


"Will not."


"Will not."

"Will not."

"Will." I gasped after I realised what I said. And Fahad was smirking at me.

"You manipulative dog! You tricked me!" I shouted at him.

"You were stupid enough to get tricked." He rolled his eyes.

"You ugly um...uh....snake!" I shouted at him after thinking for a correct animal he could be compared.

"You are calling me a snake? Have you looked yourself at mirror?"

"Yes, unlike you, I look very much good, Ma Sha Allah [Because of God's grace]."

"New flash Miss Overconfident, if someone will look at you, they will go bonkers." I gasped at his words.

"Have you ever seen yourself? Your face looks same like a Rhinoceros, stupid!" I objected. Sorry, rhinos you had to get compared to this nincompoop.

"Oh please you are the one to talk here?" He raised his eyebrows at me. "You better differentiate between me and you."

"You cheap fox! Don't use that kind of words at me." I screeched. Sorry to all the animals I am comparing them with him.

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