2. The Medical Store Visit

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N A D A' S  P O V

"Nada! How could you accept it so easily?!" Fahad hollered at me.

"First of all stop calling 'it' to a baby. Let's keep a name for her." I got quite offended hearing him denote this cute baby like a commodity.

"Nad-" Uh- please.

"No! Name first." I cut him off. I am so pissed at him right now!

"Fine." He huffed and turned away.

"You and your stupid thinking. Mumtaaz will be her name, okay. That's a nice name. Get over it already." He suggested looking well- very. . . uninterested.

"For God sake, not Mumtaaz! She is born in 20th century not 16th." I got irritated as my face twisted because of the name.

"Rehannna?" I came up with the name.

"No." He denied quickly.

"Why?" You know curiosity has the best of me.

"No means no. Did I ask that why you don't want to keep Mumtaaz?" He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Hey look at this board." Fahad pointed towards a board as we both started reading it.

It said,
"Do not damage the property. This area is under CCTV surveillance.
          -The MLA
           Alizah Alkaram"

We both looked at each other.

"Alizah!" We both said in unison. The difference was that I was very enthusiastic whereas his tone was very bored.

Yes we are weird. And yes we kept Alizah's name after a notice board. Who cares? It's not like it's our own REAL baby.

"Yes we will keep Alizah her name. It sounds good and is a modern name too."


"By the way this board was not here before." I have walked before too when I returned back home from college sometimes when my car was not working or I might have bumped into another car and it's dashboard might have got dented.

"Let it be. We got what we wanted. So who cares. Let's go home now." Fahad said in his signature bored tone. How much of a boring person he is!

We were walking when Alizah opened her wide emerald eyes. Oh my God! Her and my eyes' shade is the same...I am fangirling right now. Eeeeeeeeeee.

"Fahad! Her and mine eye color and the shade both are same." I squealed looking at Alizah's eyes.

"Tell me the truth Nada this baby is yours right?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"What?! You idiot! How could you? I can say the same cause she has your hair color too. Now we talk." I snapped at him. Nada:1 Fahad: -1. Lol a minus one.

And we heard Alizah cry. She was wailing towards him.

"Aww...baby I am so sorry." I cooed her and patted her back. But she didn't stop crying.

"Please Alizah stop crying. Mumma is sorry. She won't fight. Stop crying, my love." I cooed trying to calm her down.

"Mumma?!" Fahad exclaimed.

"Fahad! Stop shouting!!" I gritted my teeth at him.

"Actually the point is thats she want me to hold her." He chimed in and forcefully took Alizah from me.

"Hey baby girl, I know the witch can be dangerous but I am your superhero now I will save you from her." He talked to Alizah as she looked at him for few seconds and again started crying. And damn! I was surprised as heck because Fahad, famous for his rude exterior, which by the way wasn't like that before, has become a softie now.

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