16. Mistakes

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F A H A D' S P O V

I woke up at the time of Fajr [first prayer of the day for muslims]. Usually I don't need an alarm to get up because that has become my habit, a daily routine you could say. I also have to get up early to go for work.

Anyway I got up from my 'luxurious bed', note the sarcasm  please, and looked at Alizah to find out that she was sleeping so peacefully. She looks like an angel regardless slept or not. And there lies the demon beside her, Nada. She was also sleeping without any care of the world. If you look at her you won't be able to guess that she was kidnapped yesterday.

I brushed my teeth, had a bath and was going to offer my Salah (prayer) when I thought that Nada would also want to offer her Salah. She is punctual about her religion, I know that very well. So I decided to be a good Muslim and woke her up to offer her Salah.

"Nada." I called out.

"...." No response.

"Nada!" I called out by shaking her shoulder.

"....." Yet no response.

"Nada!" I shaked her more violently but not man handling her.

Man! She is a heavy sleeper.

She turned towards me and snuggled more with my hand. Oh God. My hand in her soft ones feels so good. WHAT AM I TALKING?

I snatched my hand, and slightly shouted so that Alizah doesn't wake up, "NADA MAHAM HASHMI! GET UP RIGHTNOW!" Yes I read her full name yesterday when I was signing the marriage certificate.

She woke up as if someone had again kidnapped her.

"What?" She whispered with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Offer your Fajr Salah." I simply divulged and went to take my prayer mat.

And I felt something hit me. The baby bottle.

"You could have woke me up like a human, not like a psychopath. Oh wait! Why wouldn't you wake me up like a psychopath because you are one." She sounded very enraged.

"Stop being so arrogant about things. I could have not wake you up and continued my prayer but I did and what you did you do in return rather than thanking me? Threw a pillow at me. Always a stuck up brat." I said angrily.

"I was feeling guilty till you brought up the 'stuck up brat thing' how dare you call me something like that? You don't know about me or my past so better not judge already, okay?" She came towards me and spoke calmly.

"And thanks for waking me up for Fajr. And sorry for shouting." She croaked as I saw a hint of moisture in her eyes. Don't tell me she is crying now. Wait, did 'stuck up brat' hurt her that much?

I continued offering my salah and later Nada, after taking bath, came and offered her Salah. I went towards my walk-in closet and selected my clothes for today and went to change.

I came outside to see Uméma leaving the room and Nada had something in her hands. What is it? Wait, who cares!

And I saw that Alizah was already awake.

"Come on Alizah! Let's get you dressed up. Now which color would you want to wear, hmm?" Nada went towards her and picked her up and walked towards me.

"Excuse me, Mister." She said to me.

"Are you okay?" I looked at her.

"I am not okay. I am perfect." Oh, overconfident.

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