20. Emotional Talks

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N A D A' S  P O V

"Nada! Get up we have reached home." I heard someone from beside me.

"Noooo. Five minutes only please." I whined and snuggled more.

"You've been saying this for last five minutes get up!" And that certain someone is none other than my enemy-cum-husband, Mr Fahad.

"I hate you." I muttered and got up rubbing my eyes.

"Same here. Now get up we need to go home. My shoulder is paining because of your heavy head even though it doesn't contain anything." He debated as we got out and he was paying for the cab.

"It does contain many things and we will split the fare."

"It contains garbage nothing else. And it's okay I have paid the bill if next time we go somewhere you pay." He spoke casually and making me gasp.

"How dare you say that Fahad Hammad Sheikh?!?"

"Shh. . . Alizah is sleeping. Shut your loud speaker." He whisper-yelled.

"I know I am not dumb. You just gave me her a few minutes ago." I snapped.

"But you act like one." He postulated.

"When? When will that day come when you will shut your mouth?" I asked him agitatedly.

"The day when you will shut your mouth."

"Why am I even expecting that from you. Nevermind."

"So how did it go?" Uméma asked. I had shower, made Alizah sleep and now we were having our dinner now.

"We got nothing Ummi. And the police said that he will track Junaid's place and arrest him." I elaborated.

After dinner, I went and offered my Isha Salah (The last prayer of the day of Muslims).

And after that my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID to see Mira calling me.

"ASALAMWALAIKUM MIRA SAYED!" I said enthusiastically. I don't know why I was so happy?

"WALAIKUMASALAM NADA SHEIKH!" I heard her. I spoke too soon.

"Uhh...was it necessary to add Sheikh?"

"Ofcourse because now you are one."


"Actually I have called you because I wanted to inform you that today we had to go to the college to fill the details for graduation which is tomorrow."

"Oh my God! How could I forget that!! Tomorrow is my graduation!" I squealed. "Wait a minute! I didn't go today I was busy in going to orphanages and the police station."

"Yes. Rahim told me about it. And don't worry I filled your details too."

"Thank you Mira. You are the best!"

"Hey! What are best friends for? And by the way what happened to your phone?" Her voice filled with concern.

"Nothing it's fit and fine." I answered casually.

"Then why weren't you picking up my call? Or you were busy with your hubby? Aww! The newlywed couple." She cooed.

"Oh please Mira atleast you don't start. You know how much we despise each other. So no chance. We just have to search for Alizah's parents now that's it or the ones who are willingly adopting her. That's the main goal."

"All the best for that. I and Rahim will also look for that. Anyway it's our graduation tomorrow! Will meet you tomorrow. AllahHafiz (Parting greeting of Muslims. Basically meaning let God be with you)."

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