Ch1:First day!

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"Fuck!" you shout sitting up full force making yourself slightly dizzy

Today is your first day filming for Rim if the World 2 and you are late.

"Shit shit shit!" You mumble as you throw on the quickest outfit you can pull on.

You brush your teeth and spritz on some perfume before grabbing your keys and sprinting out of the door

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You brush your teeth and spritz on some perfume before grabbing your keys and sprinting out of the door.

You hop into your car and whip a shitty speeding all the way to the set.


You run into the building and sigh with relief as you see everyone just hanging out at a counter full of food.

"(Y/n) what took you so long to get here!?" Your manager patty yells as she walks toward you. Patty has always kinda been Bitchy but she is the reason you have gotten anywhere in your career.

"My alarm didn't go off." You lie as patty pulls you to meet you're cast members. You know you slept in. You hit that snooze button 3 times minimum.

"(Y/n) you've already met the producers and director" she motions towards the team stuffing their faces with donuts. You awkwardly wave as patty continues

"The four kids over there are your cast mates. That's Miya, Jack, Benjamin, and Alessio. Aka-"

"Aka ZhenZhen, Alex, Dariush, And Gabriel." You interrupt. "Patty I know I've seen Rim of the World like 400 times." You state as she continues to pull you toward them. 

"Well go get to know them before you have to start filming" she pushes you into the group.

You trip over Benjamin's foot and stumble into Alessio's arms.

"Shit" you curse and look up at him.

"Well good morning" Alessio jokes helping you get your balance.

"Good morning" you awkwardly smile as you pull yourself out of his arms. The group remains silent with eyed locked on you as you stand there. You finally realize they have no clue who you are and introduce your self.

"Oh, uh I'm (y/n) I'm playing Alissa." You state.

"Haha had me spooked for a second I thought you were a super fan or something " Benjamin joked with a smile.

"Hey I'm Jack this is-"

"Miya, Benjamin, and Alessio" you say pointing at each of them. "My manager just told me before she pushed me like a fucking bulldozer" you roll your eyes.

"Hey language" Alessio says with a serious face.

"Shit sorr- Fuck..goddammit" you fluster. "What I'm trying to say is sorry" you look at the ground.

"I was just fuckin with you" he laughs putting his hand on your shoulder.

"Okay screw you for that" you laugh in relief.

"So I guess this is our squad for the next like 9 months?" Miya jokes

"Guess so" Jack says as everyone starts laughing.

Soon after the four of you were split into two different dressing rooms girls in one boys in the other. As you and Miya start changing into your characters cloths Miya says

"Okay so since we are the only girls in the group we have to be able to spill tea with each other" she pulls her shirt over her head

"Okay honestly yes." You say adjusting the straps on your belt.

"So first impressions? Who do you think is cute?" She asks

"What?" You ask

"Okay don't be stupid." She frowns "there are two guys in the other room both only a few months older than you... who do you think is cute?" She asks again.

"I don't like either of them I'll just start there. But, first impressions Alessio is hot" you laugh off what you just said

"Mmmhmmm I'm 13 and I'd still fu-"

"OKAY Miya" you laugh

"Hey girls it's time to go" Patty pokes her head into the dressing room door.

"Coming" you and Miya respond in unison. You both look at each other and laugh.

You finish tying your shoe and head away from Miya who is still preoccupied. You turn to Miya before you reach the door and say.

"Don't tell anyone about this conversation or I'll literally chop you in the throat" you half joke half threaten.

"Secret safe bishhhhh" She says hurrying to catch up with you.

You both exit the dressing room and head on set.


Tbh I don't actually know how this story is gonna play out. I had a general idea and I rolled with it so enjoy😁

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