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Uhhh so I lowkey forgot what was gonna happen in this book because I lowkey don't stan Alessio anymore and don't stalk him.

Okay that's harsh

I still stan Alessio

But like.. I don't- obsess anymore

Not that I really obsessed

I just had time to write and be on Instagram and stuff

When I started this book I didn't have any friends, or a job, and it was summer so I didn't have school.


I still have no friends 💀

but I do have a job and go to school

When I'm not at school I'm at work. And when I'm not at work I'm asleep.


I am going to try to finish the book because I'm not a quitter and mama ain't raise no bitch.

But if it doesn't happen soon you know why

But lowkey

I'm tryin to write another book so😳

I that's it  

K byeeeeee

Ohh and that's my dog 🤪

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