Ch12:Weeweewowwow this view is amazing!

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"Heyy" you say braking down into tears

"(Y/n) what's wrong?" Miya asks

"That's a long story" you say sniffling

"Do you want to come over"Miya asks

"Ugh please" you say

"Just come over and pack an overnight bag" she says

"Thank you" you say

"Hurry" She says before hanging up

You stick your phone in your pocket and go to your closet.

You grab a backpack and fill it with random clothes.

You go to your bathroom and pack your toothbrush, hairbrush and night skins stuff.

While you were in the bathroom you wipe your face and put on some concealer.

You refuse to let Vicky see your tears.

You exit your bathroom and head towards your door.

You open it expecting to see Vicky waiting there.

She wasn't

You walk down the stairs into your living room.

The only person in there was your dad.

You hear giggling in the kitchen and walk towards it.

You overhear your mom talking to Vicky.

"So why'd she lock you out" your mom asks

"I think it was because Alessio was being mean to her at the party" she says

You roll your eyes and continue listening.

"Mean about what?" Your mom asks

"I think Alessio wants to get back together with me" she says "which I totally wouldn't do that to (y/n) but I think it hurts her that he and I are friends" she says

"Alessio just decided that he doesn't like (y/n) anymore?" You mom says "after he went through all that work to get with her?"

You could tell she was confused

To be honest so where you

You decide to stop eavesdropping

"Mom I'm going to Miyas for the night" you say jingling your keys

"Uh no your not. You have a guest over" she says motioning towards Vicky

Vicky smiles and waves

you roll you eyes

"She's your guest not mine" you shrug walking towards your front door

"(Y/n) (y/l/n)! Bring that ass here!" You mom says sternly

You just laugh and turn around.

"What?" You raise an eyebrow

"Your not leaving" she says folding her arms

"Let me go" you say with pleading eyes

"She can go" you hear your dad say from behind you

"Thank you" you say hugging him

As you walk out you hear you parents arguing

"Why'd you do that!" You hear your mom yell

"If you would just listen to her there is obviously something wrong. She doesn't want to be here tonight" you dad says back

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