Ch15:Gotcha bitch!

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You and Alessio both head downstairs.

"Mom I gotta go run Miya back a shirt I borrowed I'll be back in a bit" You yell

"Okay be safe" she yells back

You and Alessio both head out the front door and get into your car

"Do you know where they are meeting!" Alessio asks

"Sounds like his house." You say pulling out of your driveway.

"What if their not their?" Alessio asks

"What if they are?" You reply


You pull into Parker's driveway

Ugh the bad memories

You see Vickys car parked in the driveway.

You park on the side of the road right in front of Parkers house

You get out of you car and head to the front door

"Parkers mom isn't gonna be here because she has work so we need to sneak in without Vicky or Parker noticing" you say to Alessio

"I'm assuming this room is his" he says pointing a window with a Mario Brothers blanket coving it up

Immature ass prick

"Yep" you say rolling your eyes.

"I say just sneak through the front door" Alessio says.

You both creep to the front door. You slowly open it praying it doesn't creek to loud.

You both manage to sneak in without problems.

You find the hallway that leads back to Parkers room.

You motion for Alessio to be extra quiet when voices can be heard.

"Babbeee" Vicky giggles "be serious"

"I don't know" he says

"Well (y/n) obviously isn't going anywhere. That rodent" Vicky sighs "So how are you gonna hurt Alessio now?" She asks

"Well either I was just gonna fuck with their relationship break their hearts ya know" he says "but if they want to get complicated I can make them hurt BAD and I'm not talking emotionally"

"Do I have to kick his ass again?" Alessio whispers in your ear making you jump.

You knock a picture frame off the wall and it falls and shatters right by you.

"What the hell?" You hear Vicky say

She runs into the hallway

Luckily you and Alessio were quick enough to hide on the other side of the wall

"Baby your picture fell" Vicky yells

You hear Parkers footsteps join Vickys

"Hmm weird" he says picking it up

You hear his footsteps coming toward you so you and Alessio quickly make for the door.

You make it without being caught.

"Phew" Alessio says almost laughing as you get into your car.

"Alessio they are trying to hurt us" you say

"I know" he says

"Like physically" you say

"I know" Alessio laughs

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