Ch59: *sighs*

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You wake up snuggled into Alessio's bare chest

You sit up slowly careful not to wake up Alessio

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?" You whisper to yourself  as you slowly exit the couch trying not to wake up Alessio

You put your clothes back on and enter your room

"Just when he wakes up tell him that's not happening again" you reassure your self as you slowly panic

"God" You sigh and start angrily unpacking clothes

You totally forget about about everything and get consumed in setting up your room

You put all your clothes away, made your bed, set up your fish tank, ((hell yeaa you gotta fish tank)) built your shoe rack and put away your shoes. You set up your wall decorations, and you even set up your tv

You're setting the time on your alarm clock when you actually notice what time it is.

"Ten pm Jesus" you say in disbelief

You suddenly hear a clatter from downstairs and you run to see what's going on

You find Alessio in the kitchen cursing

"What happened?!" You say

"Nothing I was trying to make some pasta for you and I keep dropping things" he shrugs

"Oh" you say

You awkwardly turn back around and head back up to your room

How long has he been up?

Why is he still here?

And where did he get pasta from??

These are all thoughts that go through you brain as you throw yourself into your bed

It's so weird

It's like

You want him

But at the same time you literally don't want him because he's a dick

You contemplate you're actions until you slowly doze off.

"(Y/N)" Alessio whispers shaking you awake

You hum and turn away from him

"I finished making the food" he says

"Oh" you say opening your eyes and crawling out of bed

You both walk down to the kitchen and make up your plates of food

You flop on the couch careful not to drop your plate of noodles

Alessio sits at the other end

Alessio starts silently eating

You slowly twirl your pasta around your fork

This is literally the perfect time to tell him you start contemplating

Just do it

Ooooo what if I just wait till I'm done eating

No bitch just do it now..

"Uh (y/n)?" Alessio says

"Hmmm" you look up snapping out of your self pep talk

"You ooookay?" He says raising an eyebrow

" uh yea I just- um I'm not really ready to be in a relationship with you" you say staring at your plate

Which you still haven't even touched yet

"(Y/n)" Alessio starts chuckling

"What" You say

"I don't expect you to just jump into a relationship with me. I know I fucked up." He says looking at you eyes full of sincerity

"But I- you're confusing me Alessio" you fluster

"How?" He says

"You don't get it" you say getting off the couch

"I don't need you Alessio... but I want you" you say

"(Y/n)-" Alessio says before you cut him off

"No just listen to me if we do this.. no one knows. Not family, not friends, absolutely no one but the two of us" you say

"I- yea we can do that" Alessio says standing up as well

"I'm serious Alessio" you say watching him walk towards you

"Me too. I'll do anything to make you mine again" he says gently brushing the side of your cheek.

He leans down and kisses you softly

"I'll get you back"

Miss me 😱

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