Ch18:she gone

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"Their probably gonna go to jail!?" Alessio laughs giving you a *u stoopid* look.

"Well yea but they should get more than jail time. They held us hostage, tries to force me to kill you, and then chased me around a forest" you say "And I still didn't include car damage the fa-"

"I know." Alessio cuts you off. "They'll get into trouble that's just not something to worry about right now" he says kissing you.

"I'm just glad your alive. Safe. With me. In your underwear." He says kissing you after each sentence.

"Babe. there's a time and place and this ain't it chief" you say laughing

"Sorry I just missed you" he says kissing your neck

You see a two figure heading towards your doorway.

You push Alessio away from you.

"(Y/n) (y/l/n), we need to speak to you alone" and police officer says immediately upon entry.

"Uhh okay" you say

Alessio gets up from your bed and heads for the door

He gives you a reassuring smile before walking out of the door.

"We are here to take your statement" the officer says pulling out a notepad.

"Alrighty" you breathe out ready to spill every last detail from that night


After almost an hour of discussion (most of the talking coming from you) they finally leave.

You see a ton of m figures standing in the hallway.

You had no clue what was happening

All of a sudden Alessio stumbles through through the doorway to you hospital room.

"What's going on" You ask trying to get out of your bed

"Nothing Babe just relax" he says

You stand up and walk to the door

"Y/n go lay back down" Alessio says Blocking the door

You hear people shouting behind the door

"Who's put there?" You say

The screaming gets louder

"Alessio did I stutter?" You say "who the hell is out there"

"Babe I honestly don't really know. They shoved me in here" he says "but it's between our parents so we need to stay out of it."

It started making sense why so many adults were standing outside of your room.

All of a sudden you hear an woman yell.

You then here complete different languages being spoken.

"That's enough" you say pushing Alessio out of the way.

The simple task winded you but you still opened the door.

You see your mom and dad being held back by a hospital security guard.

Alessios parents were yelling in a different language.

You were consider who they were yelling at until you saw her.

Patty being detained by another guard

You make eye contact

"This is your fault you BITCH" she yells braking free of the officers grasp

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