Ch:43 z o t t o e s

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*a couple weeks later*

Everything with Alessio has been going great

The two of you have managed to set up the entire apartment perfectly to your liking

Friends have been coming around with no issues luckily

You've started filming for Stranger Things. The entire cast is amazing to work with

It's been nice

You can even walk now! Well with your boot on but still

You are currently driving him from the get when you get a call

"Hi love!" You say picking up Alessio's phone call

"Hey how's my beautiful lady" he says

"Good! I'm actually on my way home" You say

"Ohhh good that means you can pick me up some food?" He asks more than says

"Yea I gotchu homie" you joke

"You a real one" he jokes back

You talk about some random stuff before you hang up to get food

You see a McDonalds near by and start driving up the road to it

You get stoped by a red light and you see a poster

You squint your eyes trying to see what the poster says


That struck your interest wayyy more than food

You follow the posters to a rescue center

You park your car and quickly get out grinning

"Catch me adopting a dog" you say to yourself

You walk in and immediately see tons of adorable little fuzzballs

Your heart instantly melts

You walk by a few dogs playing with them.

You are shocked to see that most of the dogs have signs saying they are adopted already

You slowly make your rounds through all the dog pins thinking today might not be your day for a little baby dawg when you see a woman carrying a small husky puppy and setting in a pin

You quickly head towards the pin

"Oh my gooodness look at you!" You say to the puppy

It just rolls around yipping

"Oh my god I'm dying of cuteness" you say to yourself

"This is Olly he's a little shy but a rascal once you get to know him" the lady says

"He's precious" You say reaching your hand into the pin

"DONT" She says

"What?!" You say as you start petting him

"What the?- Suzie come see this!!" The lady yells

You just look at her funny and start petting its tummy

"Yes." Another woman walks over

"Look at Him" she says

"Oh wow!" She says shocked

"What you've never pet a dog before" you say chuckling

"Olly doesn't like people he doesn't know touching him" she says

"He seems normal to me" you frown

"We haven't been able to get him adopted because of his biting" she says

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