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Yooo before I start this chapter I need to clarify some things so no one gets confused

Okay so I can be v dumb sometimes

I totally forgot that birthdays were a thing

So Alessio and you are actually 18 at this point in the story

Also y'all live in LA

K that's it

***2 weeks later***

Life is great

You and Alessio have been flourishing

You've spent the past two weeks actually being in a normal relationship.

Not only that but you landed a new big role

Right now your currently at Alessio's house *where you spend most of your time* studying lines for your new role in Stranger Things

Alessio is sitting on his desktop working on a song

While you sit in your laptop you brought over

"Ooo babe peep this" he says unplugging his headphones and playing a beat out loud

"Woow you have a whole best" you say

"Hey don't fuck up my flow it's a good beat" he says bouncing his head up and down

"It sure is babe" You say staring at your computer screen

"Are you watching porn?!" He jokes standing up and looking at you screen

"The fact that you came over here and looked after assuming that" you laugh

"Ayyy ayyy Stranger Things I see you" he says reading your script

"Yea I don't make music so acting is my main source of income buddy" you say

"When do you start filming" he says clearing his throat

"In like 2 or 3 weeks" you say looking up from the screen

"Damn that's soon" he says

"Yea well" you shrug

"You ready to meet the cast?" he says

"Hell yea!? Like imagine being friends with Millie and Sadie. Oh my god Finn Wolfhard is so fucking h-"you stop yourself

Alessio just stares at you with an eyebrow raised

"Finn Worlfhard is what?" He says

"He's cute or whatever" you say looking around distractedly

"Oh realllly" he says rolling his neck around like a petty girl

You give him a poker face

"Well look at this girl" he says goin over to his computer and starts typing

You shut your laptop and look at his computer

He literally typed in 'hot girls'

You laugh as he scrolls down and clicks on a random one

"Aaa das hawt" he says leaning back in his desk chair and folding his arms

"You're a moron" you roll your eyes laughing

You and Alessio spend the rest of the night together before you head home

You pull into your driveway and go inside your house

"Helllo parents!!!!" You say

"Hey honey!" Your mom says

You enter your living room where your parents are chilling

"Okay mom, so I got almost all of my script memorized for shooting" you say plopping next to her facing her

"(Y/n) you know I don't really think Stranger Things is a show you should join. You still have time to back out" she says

"Well I'm doing it mom so that sucks for you I guess" you shrug

"Ahh" You mom give you that mom look "No that's not how this works you don't just got to do whatever you want. I'm telling you what's best for you"

"How do you figure? It's my career I think I can decide for myself" you say

"And I'm YOUR mom" she says

"Congratulations" you roll your eyes

"Your not doing it" She says

"Yea I am, I'm eighteen and can make my own career choices" You say standing up and heading away from your mom

"Well you live in MY house" she says following you

"Okay I can leave" you say

"Really your gonna be selfish enough to leave for a role in STRANGER THINGS?!"

"Mom?! You do realize this is how I make my money right?! I can't pick and choose anymore I have to take the role. It's a good role you are just stubborn" you say

"You're not taking that role as Lin as you live in my house" she says

"Alright" You say

Your mom walks away you go to your room

You pull out your laptop and set it at your desk

"K bet" you say as you start typing

You scroll through apartment websites looking around for apartments in LA

You find a really nice one that is a little overpriced but not out of your budget

You email the manger and set up a meeting to see it in person

That's when the idea strikes you

You pull out your phone and facetime Alessio

"Miss me already?" He answers his hair flopping around on the screen

"Always" you flirt "Actually I was calling because I wanted to ask you something" you say

"Fire away" he says bringing the camera really close to his face

"You wanna move into an apartment together?" You awkwardly

Okay so this chapter is super super shitty but hold your horses

Okay so this is a transition into the next half of the entire book

Another chapter will be posted tn

This was the only thing my mind could come up with on the spot so just go with it

K love y'all

Yo I didn't double read this bc it's a quick chapter so yea there probly is spelling errors

See u in a few✌️

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