Ch7:Keep it on the need to know

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You wake up the next morning feeling way to happy for your comfort zone.

You role over and check your phone.

Alessio:so Saturday??

Alessio:oh I see you fell asleep😂

Alessio: sweet dreams princes❤️😇

You smile to yourself and type a response.

You: morning handsome sorry it was a long night❤️

You didn't get a reply as fast as you normally do. You assume Alessio was still asleep which was funny because you're usually the one who sleeps in. you decide to just get ready for the day.

You change into a basic outfit. You then bush your hair and teeth.

Once you were done you didn't really know what to do with yourself. You usually have to go to the set. And if you're not working you're hanging out with Alessio.

You try to focus on something else. You decide to work on your social media presence.

You sit down and scroll through your camera roll for a good picture to post on Instagram.

"Hundreds of pictures on my and I can't find one to post" you say to yourself rolling your eyes. You continue scrolling. Most of the pictures on your phone were memes so it made sense why you didn't find anything.

You were interrupted by a FaceTime call. You look at the caller ID and see it's Alessio.

"Hey cutie" he says half asleep.

Ughhh that morning voice you think to yourself.

"Sup dude" you say trying to be casual. You then put him on pause

I FaceTimed you so I could see your face, not a pause screen?!" He says laughing

"I know Sorry I'm just trying to find a good picture for Instagram" you say scrolling.

"Oooo post one of these." He says sending you a picture the two of you from last night.

"If I do that I have to post every picture I took with the *squad* as Miya calls it" you say staring at the picture

You wish you could post the cute picture of you and Alessio but you're still not ready to tell your fans (and more importantly haters) about your relationship.

"Well we don't have work anymore. We could go do a photoshoot." He says

"Ooo I didn't think of that" you say perking up.

"I can come pick you up at noon. We'll get lunch and have a photoshoot." He says

"Should I dress fancy or casual fancy" you say

"What the fuck?" He laughs

"What?!" You say unapausing your camera and looking at him.

"What's the difference" he says giggling

"I know I'm not dating a dumb ass" you stare at him through the screen. "You really don't know the difference" you give a *are you dumb* look

"No" he says in a *duh* tone

"Last night was fancy" you say "but casual fancy is like expensive brands and cute clothes that have an everyday. vibe"you say

"I knew that." He says face palming.

"I'm dating a moron" you joke

"And I'm dating a diva so..." he claps back.

"Not a diva, just a bad bitch" you say flipping your hair

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