The "teA" for my childrem

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Okay I don't really consider this tea just because the whole situation is a shit show. People are just overdramatic

But, some of you have no idea what going on in the realm of *real life Alessio* and not *your wattpad bf Alessio*

So basically for maybe 2 weeks ((i say that with caution bc I don't know if that's correct)) Alessio fanpages have been speculating that this girl named Gina is dating Alessio

Who is Gina: Gina is a friend is Alessios. Pretty sure they've been friends for a while

Well it was just a theory at first until this picture got leaked like 2 days ago ^^^the one at the top^^^

So the whole fandom started fucking spazzing and throwing hate at Gina calling her a hoe and a bitch and stuff like that

They also started hating on Alessio calling him a liar and saying he's keeping secrets from them.

Gina, Mia, and Alessios friends have even took to social media saying they aren't dating because it's getting so dramatic over 1 fucking picture

Also we have no idea when the picture was taken. It could've been before he even filmed rotw

Well Alessio went back to Colorado ((as some of you may know)) for the 4th of July. And he stayed for a while after that. Bc that's where he lives

Well like 2 nights ago he tweeted that he was feeling forced to go back to LA and the only reason he's excited about coming back is to make music

Now people are speculating that he doesn't want to go back because of Gina

Or they think that his fans pissed him off because they are hating on him and Gina

And that's the Tea

My personal opinion on the entire situation

Idk/c if Alessio is dating Gina.

He's hot asf why would we be surprised if he got a gf?

Plus she really pretty and she seems chill

I think mf need to mind their own business and stay on their place

We are fans- lemme repeat that


we are not his mother, father, gf, grandparents

We have no say in his love life

It's getting to the point where I'm lowkey annoyed to get on my fp.

Half the girls are like "we love Alessio and don't care if he's dating Gina"

And the other half is like "I hate Gina she's a bitch blah blah blah"

We don't even know Gina so why the fuck are we throwing hate!?

Ig my thing is if your only a fan of Alessio because he's single and cute your not really a fan at all periodt

Alessio is more than just looks. He acts and sings and blesses our screen with funny lives and videos.

Again it's not confirmed if anything it's confirmed they aren't dating so🤷‍♀️

I just think hoes mad


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