Ch44: If you're in the past STAY in the past

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"Wait what?" Alessio says totally distracted with the dog

You try to think back to the last time you actually had your period. And now that you think about's not adding up

"Shit, uhh I think we might actually have to get a pregnancy test" you say

"Like actually actually" Alessio says as his leg starts bouncing up and down

"No Alessio, actually as in I'm just kidding" you roll your eyes

"Well then let's go" Alessio says

You grab Olly and put him on a leash to go with

"Alright lets go " Alessio says scratching the dogs head before you both leave

Alessio pulls up at a drug store

"What are we doing here?" You say

"Isn't this where you get pregnancy tests" he says

"No offense but I'm not questioning my futer based off of a three dollar stick and a lot and judgmental stares" you look at him

"Okay so where do we go? I've never done this before" Alessio says

"I haven't either" you say

"Okay let's go to a walk in doctors I'm sure they do them there" you say more to yourself than to Alessio

"Are you sure about his (y/n)" he says

"I don't know. I know if it's possible" you say

"Then let's go figure it out together" he says grabbing your hand and gently squeezing it

Alessio drives you to the closest walk in office to get tested

You both walk in and you immeasurably have to fill out paperwork

You sit and wait a while

"(Y/n) (y/l/n)" a nurse says opening a door

((I've never been pregnant//been tested so all of this is bs))

You walk with the nurse and she gets your weight, height, and blood pressure taken"

She sits you down in a room and asks you to give her a swab sample

You do

She also asks you to give her some pee

You take the cup she gave you and pee in it then return it to her

"Alright (y/n) we will go run these tests and be back" she says

You silently wait on the hospital bed while Alessio sits in a chair

"Soo" he says

"Soo" you reply

"Are you nervous" he says

"Are YOU nervous" you chuckle

"Eh. It's a mix of both" he replies grinning

"Why say that" you ask

"Because the idea of us having children is absolutely amazing. But, the idea of you wanting to rip my head off for NINE MONTHS" he says his eyes growing wide

"Alessio" you say laughing and playfully rolling your eyes

Him saying that really did make you feel better. Not just because it made you laugh, but because he really was okay with having kids.

"No matter what I love you" he says

"I love you more" you smile

You then hear a knock on your hospital door

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