Ch27:Thank you!!

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You all get back into Gios car and he skirts off.

"So where are we going exactly?" You lean forward asking

"Just somewhere chill bruh" Gios says barley acknowledging you.

You lean back and Alessio slings his arm over your shoulder

"What the fuck?" You mouth

Alessio just makes a face and shrugs

You, Kenzie, Alessio and Lucus chat in the back while Gio and Matt did their own thing in the front.

You had no clue where the other girls went.


You finally arrive at your random location

It looks like a plain office building

Everyone gets out of the car and follows Gio

You catch up to Gio

"Okay now that we're here you wanna let me know what we're doing?" You ask

"You'll see just give it a sec" he says

"Oh dear god if I hear that one more time" you roll your eyes

You reach the building and Gio opens the door.

Everyone follows Gio in the building.

The inside looked sketchy as fuck

You all follow Gio to a set of stairs and descend

The basement was way nicer. It also looked like a secret club

"What the hell is this" you look around in awe

"SUPRIZEEE!!!" You year a bunch of people yell.

"Oh shit!" You jump into Alessios arms

"Babe" Alessio laughs squeezing you before putting you down

"Oh my gawd Alessio!!!!" You hear tons of ooos and awes from different people

Yea you definitely didn't know any of them.

You decide to wander around while Alessio talked with all the other teens there

The little building was pretty sick. The lights were ultraviolet making your shoes glow. The carpet gave off retro vibes. And the graffiti on the wall was spectacular.

"What are you doing loser" Kenzie says catching up to you bumping your arm

"I don't know to be honest" you shrug "all of these people are here for Alessio. I have no idea who they are" you say

"I get it. I don't know most of them either" she says

"This place is sick! I don't wanna leave just because I don't know anyone" you say looking around

"I have no idea how Gio found this place" she laughs "but I do know I wanna get some pictures for Instagram"

"Moood" You say

You both walk around and find cool spots to taken picture and have a mini photo shoot

You were having fun

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE" Gio shouts "Now that you've all had greetings it's time to celebrate!!! This is for my boi Alessio and his gurl who have been going through some shit. BUT luckily it's over so let's fucking party!!!" He yells

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