Ch57:Dummy tingz

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You storm out of the apartment in a fit of anger

Angry that Alessio didn't believe you

That he chooses her over you

That he disrespected you

At this point you have rage tears

Or maybe sad tears

It didn't really matter

You exit the building in a quick angry silence daring anyone to talk to you

All of a sudden you bump Hailey

"Oh (Y/n)!! I didn't know you were gonna be over.. I just got off work" Hailey starts rambling on

"Oh shut the fuck up and save it" you spit

"Excuse me.." her fake look of generosity turned sour

"Don't bullshit me I saw you at the lake with Parker. You're a piece of shit using Alessio for his money and clout" you hiss

"(Y/n).. I don't know what you think you're doing but you better mind you business" she says

"Oh I already told him" you say

"Well based on the tears in your eyes I'd say he didn't believe you" she fake pouts

"Hmmm someone's mad that Alessio isn't her mans" Hailey says trying to touch your face

"Don't touch me or you'll regret it" you quickly slap her hands away

"Or what" She laughs "you gonna hit a pregnant woman" she says

"You're lucky you are pregnant or I would've already hit you" you spit shoving past her

"You're just mad because Alessio doesn't want you pathetic coma bitch" Hailey says

"And you're a clout chasing nut case who's pretending to be pregnant with someone's else's baby so.. who's the real clown here" you say turning around again

"Even if this baby's not Alessio's he will never believe you" she says

"Oh so he's a clown too THE TWO CLOWNS ARE GETTING HITCHED AND JOINING A CIRCUS" you say storming away again

You hurry out to Finns car tears forming again

"(Y/n)" he says getting out of his car as you're almost halfway there

You continue walking and crying not saying anything

Once you reach him he engulfs you in a hug

"What happened" he says as you break down in his arms

The months of sadness and anger finally pushing you to the edge

"He called me a liar and and said the only reason I told him that is because I was jealous that he had a real kid and that mine was fake" you sob

"Are you fucking serious?!" Finna hisses

"And then Hailey bumped into me in the way in and I swear to go I wanted to beat that bitch up" you almost growl in anger

You then look over and see two figures exit the building and one yells

"Really (y/n) fucking with a pregnant woman!!"

It's Alessio and Hailey

"Are you serious" you yell back and Alessio storms over to you

"Watch it you fucking asshole" Finn says standing in front of you

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