Ch3: I did it for you

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The next morning

*buzz buzz* your phone vibrates

"Ughghg" you groan as you roll over and pick up your ringing phone and see Alessio's name pop up for a FaceTime call.

"What? why are you up so early" you grumble answering it

"What? It's 3 in the afternoon" he laughs

"Oh" you frown looking at your alarm clock.

"I was calling so you could look at this" he says switching the camera around and pointing it at a body mirror. he shows off his blue shirt with purple dots on it. He has matching blue shorts on and Nike Air Force ones on.

"I like it" you say perking up

"The party starts at 5" he say turning the camera back towards his face

"I know" you say pulling yourself out of bed.

"I figured I could come pick you up so we can ride to the party together." He says.

"Yea that works" you say going to your closet to find your oversized pink shirt and dark purple spandex.

"Cool. What time do you want me to pick you up?" He asks

"Uhhh.... could you pick me up early so we can get food? I'm fucking starving" you whine.

"Yea I'll be over in like 30 minutes" he says

"Okay hurry or imma die" you exaggerate.

"I can't hurry if you don't hang up" he jokes

"Consider it done" you laugh before hanging up.

You change into your costume and put your hair up in pigtails.

You put on some mid length purple socks and white Nike Air Force one's.

After you finish getting ready, you plop down on your couch and go through Instagram..

Eventually you hear a knock at the door and you hop up to open it.

As the door opens you see Alessio's signature grin making you smile.

"I see your not dead" he says looking you up and down

"I only have a few minutes left. Say your goodbyes" you joke

"well are you ready to go?" He asks

"Yep" you say grabbing your keys and bag before shouting goodbye to your parents.

You lightly skip to Alessio's car and get into the passenger seat.

"Buckle up dork" Alessio says laughing at your behavior.

You buckle up and Alessio pulls out of the driveway.

The car ride was full of laughing and singing to your favorite songs.

Alessio eventually pulls up to an Italian restaurant.

"Oh my god this smells so good!" You just say stomach grumbling as you get out of the car.

"It taste even better" he laughs getting out of the car as well.

You both head into the restaurant and get seated into a booth.

"What's good here" you ask flipping through the menu.

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