39: my dinner

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You come up from the water and look around for Alessio

Suddenly you feel a pair of arms wrap around behind you

"Dude that was coooold" you says turning around and looking at him

"Ahhh hush you know it was fun" he winks splashing you a little

"Hey Alessio" you hear Desi yell

He lets go if you and turns towards her

"Yep" he says

"Come talk to your friends" she says motioning him towards her and Gina

Alessio swims towards the edge of the pool where Gina and Desi sat with feet in the water

You just stand in the middle of the pool dumbfounded

You look over at Kenzie who was sitting in a chair watching everything

"What the fuck" she mouths

You shrug

"Get out sexy" she mouths

You shrug and attempt to get out of the pool as sexily as you could.

You attempted to climb the latter like they do in the movies

You turn while you climb to see if Alessio was watching you

He wasn't paying any attention

You suddenly slip a feel you foot twist as you fall backwards back into the pool

You swim back to the top screaming as you surfaced the the water

"Hey calm down ladies" Alessio says over his shoulder

"Oh my god you fucking moron THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG" Kenzie says jumping into the pool

You Managed to make it to the edge by yourself

"What happened?!" Kenzie says as you stand on one foot

"I think I broke my ankle" You grit through the pain

"Here" Lucas says bending down and pulling you out of the pool

"What happened?!" Alessio says coming over to you

"Oh so now you care" you roll your eyes before closing them in pain

"Yea it's already swelling she definitely did something to it" Kenzie says examining your ankle

"ewwww coool look at it (y/n)" you hear Gio say

"Have you ever heard the rule that looking makes it worse" you say keeping your eyes closed and taking deep breathes

"Here I'll take her up to the room" Lucas says looking at Kenzie as he tries to scoop you up

"No I'll do it she's MY girlfriend" Alessio says

Kenzie and you scoff at the same time

Alessio pretends not to notice

He carries to the apartment as everyone follows

"Here" he says setting you on the couch and walking away somewhere

You were shivering and wet

No one thought it was a good idea to grab towels

You finally look down at your ankle

It wasn't to bad

Definitely could've have been worse

Though it was very swollen and bruised

"Here"Alessio says holding two towels

He hands one to Gina and one to Desi

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