Ch14:Set up

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"What the fuck?!" You and Alessio say almost in perfect unison

"So this bitch is dating this asshole" you say pointing between the two of them

"Yes (y/n) thank you for repeating the obvious" Miya says

"Sorry I'm just dumbfounded" you reply

"How the fuck did these two roaches find each other?" Alessio says

"I don't know man" Benjamin shakes his head. "But what I do know is that, they don't know we know"

"True, that means we can figure out what they're up to" you say catching on

"You know that means your gonna have to go home (y/n)" Miya says "are you sure you're ready to do that?"

"If it means getting rid of this thot, hell yes I'm ready!" you say

"I can't even explain to you guys how good of friends you are" Alessio says

"Same?! How did you guys even figure this stuff out when Alessio and I were to stupid to notice?" you ask

"Well actually we talked to Jack and he was the one who hypothesized it. We just did the investigation" Miya says

"Oh my god" you say "we have the best friends" you say looking at Alessio then at Miya and Benjamin

"Honestly" Alessio agrees

"Well back onto the subject. What's the plan?" You ask

"I want you to go home and tell Vicky that you and Alessio made up" Miya says

"That sounds like trouble" you glance around the coffee shop

"It will be. But if everything goes as planned that's going to send her to Parker" Miya says

"So your saying we should mess up her plan so we can see what her endgame is?" Alessio asks

"Yep" Miya says

"But this is something between the 4 of you" Miya says "if they catch the two of us hanging around with you guys they're gonna know something is up" she says motioning between her and Benjamin

"Honestly I wouldn't let you help even if you wanted to. You have done so much for me I don't even know how I could return the favor" you say standing up and hugging the two of them

"I'd say a few more sleepovers would do the trick" Miya says smiling

"Honestly if you would just buy me another breakfast sandwich I'll be good" Benjamin says smiling

"Okay you two." You hand Benjamin and twenty dollar bill "eat, drink, and take her home" you say to Benjamin "We'll tell you what happens next"

"Have fun. Don't get murdered please" Benjamin joke as you and Alessio leave


You walk into your house and greet your parents happily.

Alessio is right behind you

"Is Vicky here mom? I was being really rude to her last night and I wanted to apologize" you say

"Awh hunny, she's upstairs in your room" she gushes

You look at your dad and he just rolls his eyes.

You smile at your dad feeling the exact same way.

You and Alessio both head upstairs.

Before you enter the room you tell Alessio to hide outside of the door and listen in.

"She needs to be startled by you being here." You say

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