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Just a couple things before we start

This is a EXTRA long chapter

Also there will be a lot of time skips because I don't wanna waste time on little things since the chapter is gonna be so long.

***=small time skips

_=big time skips


Have fun reading😉

"Haha, no for real I gotta get ready to go to Gio's So what's your question?" Alessio asks not taking what you said seriously

"I just asked" you say

"Oh your deadass?"He say looking back down at the screen

"Yes. I'm moving out of my parents house because my- the time is right. And well...I don't know we've been together for a while and I just thought that-"you weren't able to finish your sentence

"Of course I wanna move in with you!" Alessio says

"Really?" You ask

"Oh my gawd we can have decorations and furniture! ooo a music room?¿ Oh my gawd we could get a dog!!!" He says with excitement

"Well I don't know about all that"you chuckle "I emailed for a walkthrough tomorrow if he gets back to me soon enough" you roll your eyes

"Okay babe just let me know so I can come with you." He says

"Okay" you say smiling

"Gio is here but I'll talk to you later" he says kissing he screen

"Bye" You say hanging up

You felt so relieved that he's actually excited for the next chapter in not only your relationship but, in life.

You shut you laptop and let out a satisfied sigh


You wake up the next morning feeling pretty good

You immediately get on your laptop praying that the dude got back to you

He did!

You reply back setting a time up for later today and happily get into the shower

Once you get out of the shower you dry off and change

((Y'all this picture lowkey looks photoshopped but like ignore that bc it's just a for the fit))

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((Y'all this picture lowkey looks photoshopped but like ignore that bc it's just a for the fit))

You finish getting ready and then enter your room

You unplug your phone from the charger and FaceTime Alessio

After a couple rings he answers

"Good morning princesses" his morning voice rings into the phone as his messy hair flops around

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