Ch8:casa mia è casa tua

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You walk into your house and go straight to your room avoiding any interaction with your mom.

You tear your cloths off and change into pajamas

You do your nightly routine before going to bed.

*next day****

You don't wake up until 10:30.

You role over and look at your phone.

Baby Momma🤰🏽: your dads gonna kill me 😂🥺

Baby Momma🤰🏽: 💤❤️ night babe

You didn't bother relying since they were from last night.

You role out of bed and go to your closet to pick out an outfit.

You then head to your bathroom to take a shower

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You then head to your bathroom to take a shower.

You turn on your speaker and blast Alessios music while you shower.

After you get out of the shower you change.

You decide to wear your hair in a bun.

You didn't want to look like you were trying to hard when you go to Alessios house later today,

You finish getting ready and check the time.

You still had 45 minutes before you had to leave.

You decide to edit your video. You say a timer and sit down at your laptop.

You watch through all the clips on your computer before piecing the ones you want to use together. You then add transitions and comedic effects. there were also holes in the video where things didn't make sense due to your lack of filming.

You were heavily into your editing session when your mom knocks on the door and opens it slightly.

"Catch" you mom says.

You turn around and she chucks and apple at you.

"Jesus mom are you trying to knock me out!" You joke catching it.

"Ha ha" she says walking in and sitting on your bed.

"What's up?" You ask biting into your apple.

"Just wanted to catch up. Got anything new going on" She ask shrugging.

"Really mom." You laugh "bribe me with an apple so I'll spill my guts about last night" you take another bite of your apple.

"I mean it was either try bribing you with food or threatening to tell your dad" she says looking at her nails

"Oooo my moms shady!!!!!" You hollar laughing.

"Spill" She says looking at you

"I don't know we just made out" you shrug biting your apple again.

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