Ch20:Patty pat pat

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"No" Alessio says

"Why not" you say

"Because it's not really easy to go face to face with the mother of an ex girlfriend you killed out of self defense" he says

"I get it. But if anyone is going through it it's her." You say sitting in the bed next to him and rubbing his back

"I just feel guilty" he sighs and looks at the ground.

"Well it's not your fault. And if I recal from the hospital she was mad at me not you" you say confused

"Yea I don't know what that was about" he says

"We don't have to do it if you reeeaaally  don't want to. But you and I both know Patty deserves her daughters things." You kiss his cheek before going into your bathroom to brush your hair.

As you run the brush through your hair you feel a pair of arms snake around your waste.

"Your right" Alessio says into your ear before kissing your cheek.

"Damn right I'm right! Cant remember a time I was goddamn wrong!" You joke turning to face him

"Ugh my beautiful dork" he says kissing you.

"My handsome, brave, kind, perfect boyfriend" you say wrapping your arms around his neck

"(Y/N)!!!! WE'RE HOME!!!!" You mom yells

"Shit! You're not supposed to be hereee" You look at Alessio with wide eyes

"Just tell her I came to pick you up to go to Pattys" he shrugs

"I forgot to mention a damn good actor" you say kissing him before running out of your bathroom.

You run out of your room and down the stairs to your living room leaving Alessio standing there.

"Hey mom" you smile

"I see Alessio is here already" she referrers to his parked car in your driveway.

"Yea, Vickys suitcase is still here so he said he would go with me to take it to Pattys." You look at her

"Really? Now? Are you sure you're ready for that?" She asks

"As ready as I'll ever be mom" you say

"I suppose, but if there are any problems at all I want a call immediately." She warns

"Not a probalem at all Mrs.(y/l/n)" Alessio says walking up behind you.He already had Vickys suitcase in his hands.

"Okay you two be careful now" she says ushering you away from her.

"Okay Mom love you" you say as you both start for the door.

You hear your mom holler to Alessio

"Take care of my baby please"

You continue out of the door but Alessio stops at the doorframe

"Always" he says before finally leaving.

                        -skip car ride-

Alessio pulls into Pattys driveway.

You get chills over our body

You both sit in Alessios car before Alessio speaks up

"Are you sure you don't want to wait to do this?" He asks

"Yea it's now or never" you say getting out of the car and heading toward the front door.

Alessio grabbed the suitcase and followed.

You reach the front door and knock on it

Patty distractedly opens the door and looks up at you.
What was shock turns into anger then sadness.

"What are you doing here" she asks

"Uhh Vickys suitcase full of things was still at my house and I figured you'd want it?" You say

"Well that was very kind of you" she awkwardly stands there before finishing "please come in"

You and Alessio both walk into her house. It was huge and surprisingly clean. Like neat freak clean.

"Sorry it's messy in here I've been losing my head over Vickys funeral" she says "uuhhhh here we can sit here" she points you and Alessio over to a small living room.

You all enter and sit

"So (y/n) how's your head?" party asks clearing her throat

"Good still a little sore but basically normal" you shrug

"So what did you bring?" She asks

"This is all of Vickys stuff she brought to stay with us" you say as Alessio sets the bag of stuff down.

"Oh" she opens the suitcase and you and Alessio sit their awkwardly.

Alessios leg was bouncing up and down as if it was a nervous tic.

She pulls out the articals of clothing one by one gawking at them tears dripping from her eyes. The more she pulls out the more tears start falling.

Alessios leg starts bouncing harder and he started biting his nails.

"Ya know Vicky never wanted to hurt anyone. She had issues but she's never do that on purpose!" Patty says sniffling

"I can't I gotta go" Alessio says standing up and walking away

"Patty I am so sorry I have no idea the amount of pain your in. But I really have to go" You motion to the door where Alessios just walked out of.

"That's fine goo" Patty says full on crying

You run out and find Alessio sitting in his car.

His head was resting on the steering wheel.

You crawl into the passengers seat.

"I couldn't handle seeing the pain on her face" Alessio says head still down on the steering wheel

"I know" you say rubbing his back

"It so hard to explain how I feel right now" he grumbles

"So don't explain them. Just feel them" you say

"Ha" he lifts his head up and looks at you.

"Get out of the drivers seat" you say

"What?" He asks

"Did I stutter!? Get out of the drivers seat." You say again.

Alessio gets out and you trade places.

"I'm gonna take you somewhere" you say

Ooodjkssnj where she taking him??

Honestly this chapter is really shitty but I'm just trying to get back into it

Thank you guys for being so patient and sticking this though with me.

I honesty don't know what last going on but I'm glad I have people I can come to is if I feel like I'm in trouble.

New topic

Someone on insta hit up my dms mad about my pfp (it's the same as the one I have on here) she said I stole it from her and should've asked lmao

I didn't but go off sis 😂😂

Gio and Matt have both responded to me. Now I just need Alessio to and my life will be complete.

If you wanna follow me and dm me my username is o_m_f_g_435

New BETTER update tomorrow

K byeee✌️

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