Ch:40 new bathroom ayeeee

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You sit in the back seat of Kenzie's car silently looking out of the window

"How you feelin hoe" Kenzie says looking back at you front he passengers seat

"Okay you two are probably my closest friends beside Miya so can o ask you guys something personal" you say

"Fire away" Lucas says looking at the road

"So is what Alessio is doing normal?" You ask

"Hell no" Kenzie mumbles

"What do you mean is it normal" Lucas says

"Like I don't know but it seems like he's blowing me off for Gina and Desi" you say

"Well they do have a long history he probably just wants to catch up" Lucas says trying to reason with you

"And I totally respect that but, I just broke my ankle and he didn't even care" You say

"Yea that's true" Lucas says

"He's being a little chikan that's what he's doing. I don't care if it's his great grandmother visiting you still need to pay attention to your significant other" she huffs

"I just wish there was a way to make him understand how he's treating me" you say

"Maybe there is" Lucas shrugs


You pull into your apartments parking lot and get out

You grab your crutches and take your broken ass inside

"Okay so what's this plan again" You ask re-running the plan in your head and entering the elevator to head to your apartment

"Okay so basically whenever Alessio tries to interact with you just ignore him and talk with Lucas" she says

"Okay okay I think I got it" You say

The elevator dings and the doors open you crutch to your apartment and unlock the door.

You open the door to reveal the Gina, Desi and Alessio all butt naked playing twister with whip cream all over their bodies.


You open the door to reveal Gina, Desi and Alessio lounging around talking

They hadn't noticed you guys arrived so they continued chatting

"Kenzie was being a bitch" you hear Gina say

"Yea like what the fuck was the whole towel thing? she literally got mad that you gave us towels" she says

"I know right it's so dumb" Alessio says sniffing

You turn to Kenzie and she looks ready to blow

You motion for her to keep quiet

"I love (y/n) but she really does the most sometimes. Like I don't get why she's mad your here am I not allowed to have friends that are girls?" He asks

That's when you decide to say something

"Nah broski they're cool I'd just like you to actually are about the care about more than just them" you say crutching into view

"Oh yea and call me bitch for getting mad that Alessio handed you two capable girls towels. Meanwhile (y/n) was completely soaked and couldn't walk while your two barely had your feet wet" Kenzie says giving a hard bitch face to the two girls

They both look at eatch other like Kenzie was on crack

"Water under the bridge" you say

"Lucas could you help carry this bag to my room" You ask

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