Ch17:Hospitals are more fun with u

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You lay in a dead comfortable sleep. The kind of sleep that one loses track of time in. 2 seconds or two years could've passed and you wouldn't know the difference.

Suddenly you hear a soft voice. It slowly increases in volume.

"(Y/n) hunny open your eyes for me please" you hear a woman crying

It was your mom

"What the fuck" you choke out as your eyes get blinded by light.

"Oh my god (y/n)!"She cries

"Mom, I'm fine. The doctors were right though passing out totally helped" you sigh talking more to yourself than your mom

"What do you mean pass out? (Y/n) you were in a coma for almost a week!" You mom says

"No" you laugh "don't fuck with me like that mom, it's not funny" you try to sit up.

"Lay back" she says gently pushing you back towards your bed

"Mom ur gonna piss me off let me move!" You say getting severely irritated

"Mrs. (y/l/n) it's okay if she moves around a little" a doctor says walking through the door

The doctor flips through some papers and then looks at you.

"It makes sense that she's irritable. Waking up from a coma can lead to confusion which leads to multiple different side effects like feelings of being overwhelmed, sad, or in your case irritable" he shrugs

"So your saying I passed out in that ambulance and I didn't wake up AT ALL.... for almost a WEEK!?" You look around "Well why?"

"Because the boy who assaulted you hit you in the back of the head with his baseball bat" the doctor says "now saying this boy didn't have any baseball experience and hit you mildly hard in the back of the head It would still do damage. To put into basic terms the back of the head holds some of the most important and sensitive pieces of the brain."

"He has years of experience" you say

"Well adding how much experience he has into the factors means that he hit you hard enough and in almost just the right spot that he could've killed you" the doctor looks at you "you are an extremely lucky girl.

"Well I don't understand how Alessio kept passing out but I was running around, falling over, and swinging a baseball bat around?" You look at the doctor

"Sometimes there are things that doctors can't explain" he says "we call them medical miracles."

"That's a the dumbest shit I've ever heard" you fold your arms and lean back in your bed.

"Well it's the only explanation I could give you... Well that or an adrenaline rush though I couldn't imaging what would keep you going for so long" he says

You could

"So where is Alessio?" You say "is he in the hospital?"

"He's at home resting. Like you should be" your mom says.

"Bro I was in a coma for almost a week. I think I'll be okay to sit up and look around at the world for a few minutes" you roll your eyes

Part of you wanted to say it was because of your medical condition.

The other part knew it was because this never would have happened if she didn't let Vicky stay over.

You and Alessio could be watching a movie, going on a date, having a make out session. But instead of doing that you were in the hospital with head trauma.

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