Ch49: KiT kAt bAr

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"What the hell are you talking you talking about" you say sitting back up

"Miss (y/n)" a doctor says

"What!" You say looking at the doctor

"Look at me" he says shining a flashlight into your eyes

"We're going to have to ask you to leave while we run test on (y/n)" a nurse says kicking your parents out

"What is going on" you say on the verge of tears

"It will all be explained soon just let us run our tests" the doctor says

You just nod and do what they ask

After multiple hours of scans and blood drawings they finally let you relax and your parent enter your room again

"So (y/n) before we let you off the hook we have just a few questions" he says

"I'm not answering questions until you answer mine" you say

"Where is Alessio? And what the hell do you mean I don't have a baby?!" You almost shout

"(Y/n) it will al be explained shortly just answer these questions" the doctor says

You reluctantly give in. Only because the sooner you answer the questions the sooner you get answers

"Okay (y/n) what is the first thing you remember after passing out in the ambulance?" The doctor asks

"What are you talking about?" You say

"After Parker was caught?" The doctor presses

"Ohh that was so long ago why are you asking that" you say

"Ma'am just answer the question please" The doctor politely says

"Okay uhhh" you think back "oh I woke up in the hospital and they told me I was in a coma for a week" you say

"Okay annnnnd can you tell me about some of the events that happened after that" he asks

"Okay?" You say before you recap the Lucas fight, the stranger things roll, moving in with Alessio, and getting pregnant.

"So (y/n) before I continue with questions I want to make sure you understand that none of those events were true." The doctor says

"What do you mean? So I never had a baby?" You ask

"No" he says

"I don't understand- you're saying that my entire life after passing out in that ambulance...was fake?" You look at the doctor in shock

"Yes. You did fall into a coma but not for a week." He says

"Oh god so then wha- What about Vicky and Parker?" You ask

"Hunny.." your mom says

"So Vicky is dead!?" You ask

"What? No they were both sentenced to a year jail time, they have to pay a fine and receive therapy"

"I think I'll just let her catch up before I continue" the doctor says to your mom as he packs up to leave

"Okay thank you" your mom says

"So where's Alessio?" You ask

"He's at home I notified his parents they're probably all on their way" she says

"Oh" you say

"Honey we've missed you so much" You mom says crying

"I didn't know even know it was all fake" you say to yourself more than anyone

"So tell me more about what happened while you were in a coma" you dad says resting his hand on yours

"Well.." you trail off giving specific memories

You spend almost and hour just talking and catching up with your parents before you get extremely tired

You start yawning

"Are you alright honey" You mom says

"Yea I'm just tired" you say

"I'm suprized you've been asleep for almost a year" your dad jokes

"That not funny" your mom slaps your dad

"It kinda was" you laugh

"You and your dad have a horrible sense of humor" You mom giggles

"Yea its probably the best trait he gave me" you say smiling at you're dad

"I missed you so much" you dad says tears rolling down his face

You just reach up and give him a hug

You felt bad because it feels the same to you. You didn't miss them because in your dreams they were there.

You chat for a couple more minutes before fallings asleep


You awake to a gentle shake from your mom

"(Y/n) you have visitors" she says

You look up and see Alessio's parents along with Mia and Roxanne

"Hi guys!" You says

Everyone says their hellos and stuff
Your parents and Alessio's parents both go to the hallway and then it gets kind of awkward

"So what's new" Mia says

"Nothin much you know just waking up from a coma and stuff" you shrug smiling

"Duh I'm dumb" she laughs face palming

"We know" Roxanne giggles

The three of you starts laughing

"You know what? Now that you're awake you can come do the play date you owe me" Roxanne glares at you

"Oh I totally forgot about that" you say

"It's fine" Roxanne says crawling into your bed and sitting next to your legs

"I was thinking me you and Hailey can have a sleepover and a tea party!" She says

"Sounds great!" You agree with her slightly confused

Finally your parents and Alessio's parents re enter the room.

"(Y/n)" you hear Alessio's voice it was shaky like he'd been crying

"Alessio" you smile

"Alright ladies lets go wait on the hall" Tonia says

"We're going that way too" You mom says

"Bye (y/n).. oh hi Hailey!" Roxanne says before leaving

Alessio walks towards your bedside

"I can't believe you're awake" he says

"Me either" you say "well anyways how have you been" You ask

"Good good" he says nodding

"I was actually a mess when this all first happened. But I slowly grew and recover and I'm happy again" he says

"That's amazing. I'm glad" you smile

"Oh my god I missed that smile" Alessio says brushing the side of your cheek

You then see a girl peek her head around the corner

Alessio turns to see what you're looking at

"Oh.. yea" Alessio stands up and grabs the girls hand

"(Y/n) this so my girlfriend..Hailey" he says bringing her towards you.


Heehee y'all probably hate me but I love this


Also Adrianna probably hates me for the picture at the top but


spelling and grammar errors:)

Love youuu

K bye 👋

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