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Before I start this chapter can I just say... 20k fucking reads😵

I made this book bc I was bored. I NEVER expected it to pop off.

You are fucking amazing I love you all and thank you thank you THANK YOU for sticking with it

I know I have a shit ton of spelling and grammar errors but you just ignore them and keep readin anyways like.... I love you guys🖤

Okay but let's get into this

**A week later**

You wake up feeling groggy

You soon realize you weren't actually groggy just really nervous

Today is the day of the trial. The day you find out if Parkers stupid ass is going to jail.

You get out of bed and put on the outfit you planned out the night before

You do your hair, brush your teeth and put on your smell goods before heading out of your room

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You do your hair, brush your teeth and put on your smell goods before heading out of your room.

You silently walk downstairs to where your parents were waiting.

"Are you gonna eat before we go?" Your mom asks you

"No I can't" you say referring to the queasy feeling you have

"Alright hunny I guess we should just go then" your mom shrugs and grabs her keys

You and your parent both head to the family car.

You enter the back seat since both your parents we coming with and your mom silently starts driving.

"So did the lawyer go over this with you?" You mom asks

"I mean she talked but I wasn't really paying attention" you say staring out the window

"You never do" you dad jokes

"Well basically you, Alessio, and all the officers are going to testify against Parker" You mom says "Parker also gets to testify on his defense but...he could plead guilty or plead the 5th"

((Ps: I'm a law and order fanatic *especially special victims unit* so a bitch knows a thing or two about trials😂))

"So how long is this gonna take" you ask

"I bet it'll only take today. It's hella obvi that he's guilty" your dad says in a girly voice.

"Dad stoooop" you say trying to suppress a laugh

Both you and you dad have a habit of trying to laugh at a serious situation.

You continue the rest of the ride silently.


When you arrive at the courthouse there is tons of press waiting for you.

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