Ch11:This bitch...

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"Dude, I've never had an actual friend my age that was a girl" you say bounding down the stairs

"how!?" She asks laughing at you

"Well there's always drama so I just chose to hang out with dudes instead" you shrug and jiggle your keys around

"Well consider this your lucky day! I happen to be looking for a friend" she says wrapping her arm around your shoulder.

You laugh and walk into your living room. you see your dad sitting in his recliner and your mom on the couch looking at her computer.

"Well you to seem to be getting along quit well!" You mom says looking up from her screen.

"Yea who would've thunk" you joke "so it turns out that Vicky and Alessio know each other so he said she was welcome to come if that's okay with you guys" you say fake smiling

You know damn well Alessio didn't say Vicky could come.

But you like her. she's actually cool and the only other girl you have been chill with besides Miya.

"Yea I suppose that alright then" you mom says. "But I want you both home by midnight" she tilts her glasses and looks at you.

"Mom" you frown "when have I ever let you down"

"I could give you few answers to the question hun but I don't think that's what you want to hear" she says looking back down at her computer screen.

"Shots fired!!" Vicky laughs from behind you.

"Love you to mom" you laugh hugging her.

You and Vicky head out to your car.

"Please don't tell me you're one of this drivers that likes quiet and classical music" she says opening your passenger door and getting in

"NOOO gurl you haven't seen nothing yet" you say getting in the drivers seat.

You plug in your aux cord and turn on "truth hurts" by Lizzo.

You back out of the driveway while yelling


Vicky pulls out her phone and posts a Snapchat video on her story.

You were about halfway to Alessios house when Vicky turns down the music.

"Okay I'm getting nervous" she says bouncing her leg up and down.

"You'll be fine" you say glancing at her before your eyes return to the road

"What If Alessio still hates me? I did some pretty bad shit that I regret" she starts picking her nails

"Vicky, stop. The past is in the past and there is nothing you can do to fix that now." You stare at the road. " it's pretty clear that you've changed. If Alessio has a problem with you he can handle it through me" you shrug

"Thank you (y/n) let's just pray that that won't be necessary" she sighs

"It will be fun just lighten up" you say turning the music back up

You both jam out the rest of the way there.

Eventually you turn into Alessios driveway which is holding more cars than normal.

You park and get out of the car.

As your walking to the door you can hear a few dudes hollering.

You stand on the front porch and wait for Vicky to catch up.

The door opens and Benjamin's brown face pops out of the door.

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