Ch54: special

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"YES!" You say as you beat Miya at another iMessage game

It's currently 9:30pm and you've stayed in bed all day

"Take that bitch!" You say as you are also on FaceTime with her

"Ahhh fuck you" she whines

"Now you have to post a picture of me on your instagram" you brag

"I'm gonna post the ugliest one I have" she says

"You do that and I'll cut you" you joke and threaten at the same time

"So what are you gonna do after Alessio breaks it off with Hailey?" She asks

"Take it slow..I wanna be with him but I feel guilty that he's breaking up with her" you say

"You shouldn't..he was yours first" she says

"I know but it's like I was he gets with her and now I'm just here and he leaves her. It feels like he was using her while waiting for me if that makes sense" You say

"Well technically you two never broke up" she points out

"Shut the fuck up" you say and you both laugh

In incoming call makes your screen start buzzing

Baby Momma🤰🏻

"Hold on Miya Alessio is calling" me you say before hanging up

"Is you're heart completely shattered into a thousand pieces" you joke

"Actually (y/n) I need to talk to you" he says seriously

"Okay what's up" you ask nervously

"Haileys pregnant" he says

"Oh." You say taken back

"Yea and we're gonna get married" he says

You were hurt

You were mad

It's like you're dream was actually happening

But with Hailey instead of you

"Okay and you decided to the best way to break this news was over the phone?!" You say pissed

"(Y/n) you don't understand." Alessio says

"Yes I do Alessio. You're having a baby and you're staying with Hailey congrats!!" You say sarcastically

"(Y/n) I don't wanna see you anymore!!" He shouts through the phone

You were taken back

You were hurt

But your hurt turned into anger

"Fuck you Alessio Scalzotto!! All I remember is being with you! Before, during and even after a coma and now you just wanna cut me off completely?!" You shout back

"(Y/n) I'm gonna have a kid and family I need to let the past say in the past" he says

"WOW so I go into a fucking coma saving your fucking life because I love- well I thought I fucking loved you and now this is how I get treated!? Damn you're WORSE than Parker" you say

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