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Okay this isn't an update BUT HEAR ME OUT

No one knows this about me bc it's stupid why would I tell y'all this. But I have a shit ton of dreams. Like ranging from nightmares to living in the ocean. Like I rem sleep all the time

I also have really bad sleep paralysis but that's not the point of this story

Okay last night I was sleeping and I had a weird ass dream about Alessio

I'm gonna tell it to y'all

Okay so it stared off with my friend and I walking around one sunny day. Nothing was out of the ordinary.

But my friend was complaining she was tired of walking so we went to a little kids house and they gave us little thingys to ride.

Need I remind you I'm 16

So I get this little electric scooter thingy (the one pictured at the top^^^) and my friend gets this pink young girls bike.

So we go back to riding around.

Then next thing we know Alessio and one of his friends are riding around behind us a little ways away.

Idk who Alessios friend was so for the sake of discussion let's say it was Matt

Alessio was riding on a scooter exactly like mine only the colors were different and *Matt* was riding a longboard

So my friend and I ignore that they're behind us bc we weren't paying attention

But then Alessio passes me and Matt is following right behind us like RIGHT behind us.

So I look at Alessio and see his scooter and my dumb ass goes

"Oh my god I haven't ridden one of those in forever"

Then I look down at my scooter and start laughing and go

" What the fuck I'm riding one right now"

Alessio looks at me and starts laughing

And then the 4 of us became friends

Then my dream did a random shwitchy thingy

((idk if this happens to anyone else but I'll literally be one place doing one thing and it switches to something completely different))

Well I ended up in a hotel room and my friend and Alessio and *Matt* were there.

Well I was chillin in one of the beds ((bc there was 2))

And Alessio jumps from the other bed onto my bed and lays on me

But in a weird way

Like is head were on my feet and I'm only 5'4 so this dudes wayyy fucking taller than me so his feet are like extended past my head and resting on the headboard

My friend was sitting on a chair and *matt* was like just standing idk wtf he was doing lmaoo

I can't remember the exact conversation the 4 of us were having but what I do remember is Alessio interrupted the entire conversation by going

"Oh my gawd I ripped ass!!! It stinks!"

Yea he literally fucking FARTED on me

And like I could smell it in my dream and that shit stunk 😂

Like my dog slept with me last night so idk if she ripped ass and it got incorporated into my dream or what but it was baddd!!!

And then the dream ended with me almost burning the hotel room down because I had a lamp bulb like touching the ceiling.

And when I loved the lamp there was a huge burn mark on the ceiling.

And then Alessio said something along the lines of "

"That's your fualt not mine"

And the dream was over!

It was fucking weird 😂

Lowkey wish it was real tho.

I hate when people burp and fart and would never let anyone do that shit but- ya know if it's Alessio and I'd get to hang with him I'd let it slide 1 time.

Sorry this wasn't a book update lmao but I really thought you guys should know about my first dream Alessio was in😂

I'll update the book tn!!!!!!


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