Ch26:Hang out?¿

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You finally hear a knock on your door.

You hop up and open it.

The door swings open revealing a smirking Matt with sunglasses on

"Let's bounce" he says turning and walking back to Gios car

He had a big Range Rover (((Ik he doesn't have that. But it holds lots of people so...)))

"So where are we going" You ask following him to Gios car

"Well right now we're on the last stop to pick up Alessio" he says

He stops and opens the back car door for you revealing multiple faces

The first one you saw was Lucus but also girls.

You could only pick out one face in the heap of them.

It was Kenzie

You have never talked to her or any of the other girls before.

Your only girl friend is Miya

You get into the car silently and squish next to the window.

Matt hops back into the passenger seat and Gio pulls out of your driveway

As soon as the car was moving the girls started chattering and the boys turned the music up.

You decide to not let the car ride ruin your night so you bump along to the music ignoring the weird looks from the girls.


Gio finally pulls into Alessios driveway.

Matt was about to get out when you stop him

"I got it" You say unbuckling your seatbelt

"Okay" Matt leaning back in his seat.

You open the door and climb out as fast as you can.

You jog to the front door and knock quickly.

You hear Nino yapping on the other side of the door.

Alessio opens the door and smiles

"You ready?" You ask smiling as he pulls you into a hug

"Yea les do it!" He says as you start dragging him towards the car

Once you reach Gios car you let Alessio get in first.

"Aye Alessio!!!" The boys start hooping and hollaring

Alessio does the weird guy greeting thingies.

"Ladies" he nods sitting next to Kenzie

You sit between him and the window

"Really that's the only greeting I get?!" You hear her voice

"Yo Kenz!? I didn't even see you!" He says pulling her into a side hug

"you went and got a chick and forgot about your real friends" she says elbowing him

You roll your eyes and look out of the window

This was supposed to be fun. Not a Vicky repeat

Alessio eyes you then Kenzie before speaking

"Nah nah (y/n) isn't like other girls" he says wrapping his arm around you.

You look at him and smile

"Yea surreee" she says sarcastically "anyways Gio, Matt, Lucus where are we going??" She asks changing the subject

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