Ch56: Gio Hillary's

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"Holy shit" Finn snickers

"Okay serious moment Finn" you roll your eyes and peak around the bush

Hailey and Parker went to a dock and sat down

Parker was rubbing her stomach which had grown massively

"She's like Pinocchio the more she lies the bigger her stomachs gets" you say to yourself

You and Finn both stand behind the bush intently spying

"Ooo do you think Parker's the PAPA" Finn says making you jump

"FINN SHUT THE FUCK UP" you practically shout

"(Y/n) you're the one yelling" he snickers

"Just come on" you huff dragging Finn by the arm

You sneak over to the dock and hide behind a tree
((Istg everytime I type dock it changes to dick))

"So when are you gonna move in with me" Parker says drawing circles with his finger on haileys stomach

"I don't know I'm so busy with work and the pregnancy..." she trails off

"This bitch is such a liar" you say in disgust

"Nasty bitch" Finn agreed

"Well I wanna be here. I wanna be with you when we have our baby" Parker says smiling

"You will be babe" she says cupping his cheek in her hand

"You're always so busy with work. I never get to see you until the end of the day. I wanna make you breakfast bring you lunch to work I wanna be there" he says

"Does Parker not know about Alessio???" Finn asks

"I don't think so now shut up" You say tuning back in

"Baby I'm trying but work is on my ass they're trying to make me write all day and cramming in as much of me as they can get before they have me go on maternity leave" she says

"She's such a motherfucking liar" you roll your eyes

"Let's go" You say

"Where are we going??" Finn asks

"To tell Alessio" you say walking away

"Why? What has he done for you?" Finn says not moving

"He's still a person that doesn't deserve this" you keep walking not caring whether or not Finn was following behind you or not

You reach Finns car and turn expecting him to be behind you

"Dammit" Finn says finally breaking out of some brush from the bushes

"What the hell!?" You say

"What?" He says picking leaves and brush off of him

"Nothing just come on" you shake your head and get into the passenger seat

Finn gets in and drives off to Alessio's


Once Finn pulls into the parking area of Alessio's apartments you quickly exit the car

"Wait up (y/n)" Finn says

"No you stay here. I'll call you if something happens" You say turning around quickly

"Are you sure" Finn says

"Yes I know you and I know Alessio you two mad at each other won't be a good thing" you say and you head into the building

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