Ch53. imabejustfine

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You get home and enter your house silently

"Hey hunny! How was your day?" Your mom asks

"Mom I just saw Parker" you say

"Oh hunny" she says giving you a pitiful look

"Mom why didn't you at least warn me he was out!?" You say

"I forgot. I'm so sorry" she says

You roll your eyes and start walking away

"Wait (y/n). What happened?" She asks

"He kept apologizing saying he changed and he knows how to treat woman now" you say turning back towards her

"Well weren't you with Alessio?" She says

"No I got an Uber home" you reply

"Well why weren't you with Alessio?" She asks

"Because mom it's not like we're together we don't have to be with eatch other twenty four seven" you snap at her

"(Y/n)! Watch the attitude" she says daring you to test her

"Sorry mom it's not you I'm just frustrated" you sigh

"Just go take a warm bath and get some sleep" she says

And that's exactly what you did


You wake up the next morning to your phone ringing

Baby Momma🤰🏻

You pick it up lazily

"Hello" You say

"(Y/n)" he says

"Yes that's me" you reply yawning

"I wanna break up with Hailey" he says

"Okay? Why are you telling me?" You ask feepinv guilty

"Because I want you to know. I'm gonna meet with her for dinner tonight and tell her" he says

"Oh okay. Do I need to be at your apartment with junk food and sad movies afterwards" you joke

"Maybe..I'll call you and tell you how it goes" he says

"Okay" you reply

You both say your goodbyes and hang up

You roll over and fall back asleep

Alessio's pov (but kinda omniscient)

Alessio finishes getting ready and grabs his keys

"I hope I'm doing the right thing" he huffs to himself as he gets into his car

He drives silently tapping his thumbs against the steering wheel in a nervous rhythm

When he finally pulls up at the restaurant he sees haileys car parked down a little ways

He gets out and gives her a small wave

"Hey babyyy" She says pecking him

"Hey" he says ending the interaction as quickly as he could

Alessio starts walking in and Hailey slips her hand into his

"This place is so fancy lessi" she says as they both enter the restaurant

"Yea I kinda have some news for you" he says

"Me too!" She says grinning

He nervously smiles as they are seated and givin drinks

They both chat for a while until they order

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