Ch51: nEw mUsIc sOoOn

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You don't say anything and just attempt to walk past him

"(Y/n).." Alessio says standing up blocking the door

"What?" You say looking past him

"You need to come with me" he says

"Why? It's just a waste of time. You and everyone else have moved on and so should I" You say trying to shove past him

"(Y/n) I'm not letting you go" he says blocking you off again

"Fine" You say giving in

He leads you to his car and you get in

"Where are we going" You say buckling up

"You'll know when we get there" he says pulling out of your driveway


Alessio pulls up at the theatre that premiered Rim of The World 2

"Why are we here" you say unbuckling and getting out of the car

"Because we need to talk (y/n)" Alessio says also getting out of the car

He leads you to a back door that was propped open

He escorts you in and leads you up a flight of stairs

He opens another door that leads you to a balcony

Well not just a balcony

The balcony

The balcony Alessio asked you to be his girlfriend on

"Why are we here of all places. And how did you know where to get in?" You ask

"We are here because we need to catch up...personally" Alessio says standing at the edge of the balcony

"Okay?.." you say also standing next to the edge but away from him

Alessio scoots himself next to you

You just awkwardly glance at him

"C'mon. I'm still Alessio" he says nudging you grinning his amazing grin

You let a small smile slip and continue looking out at the city

"Look (y/n) if I would've known all of that. I wouldn't have brought Hailey around so soon" he says looking at the city as well

"I get it. You can wait forever" You say

Alessio nods in agreement

"It's just not hard being close" You say

"We can be close (y/n) we've always been close. We just can't be together" he says

"I know" you say

"I'm with Hailey and someday you're gonna find someone amazing as well" he says rubbing your back

He doesn't get it.

You already found someone amazing

It's him.

"Yea I guess" you lie looking down at your hands

"I'll always care about you (y/n)" Alessio says turning you towards him so you make eye contact

"Me to Alessio" you say giving in

You both embrace each other in a hug that lingers for a while

***the next day

You wake up to a buzz on your phone

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