Ch16:Benji come thruu

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"You want me to kill him" you asks completely dumbfounded

"Yes" he says reaching to untie your ropes

"These are loose as fuck Vicky you stupid bitch she could've gotten out!" Parker yells

"I would never run from you baby" you say desperation eating away at you

"That's my angel" he says stroking your cheek.

He finished untying your rope and pulls you to your feet.

"Here" he says handing you the bat "a couple more whacks to his head and he'll be gone"

Your hands shake as you grab the bat from Parker.

"I'm feeling dizzy" you say fake a tumbling towards Alessio

"Power through baby you got this" Parker claps his hands as if he's a dad at a baseball game.

That thought made your stomach drop

You on the spot decide to act like you have a concussion.

You raise the bat above your head and purposely miss Alessio.

You fall over.

"Baby I think I have a concussion. Everything is swoopy" you say

"Get up and try again" he pressures you on

You pretend to really have a tough time getting up.

You get up again and swing harder but purposely miss.

You fall down and pretend to pass out baseball bat still in your hands

"DAMMIT!! She fucking passed out!" Parker yells

"Well maybe if you didn't hit them so hard with that fucking bat she wouldn't have!!" Vicky yells

"Never mind I'll just do it myself" Parker walks toward you

You use this as your opportunity

As Parker leans down to grab the bat from your hand you swing it at his head as hard as you can.

Parker falls over passed out.

"You bitch!" Vicky runs at you

You stand up and swing the bat again

It makes contact with her head and she crumples over on the ground

"That wasn't so hard" you huff to yourself wiping your flyaway hairs from your face.

You drop the bat and run to Alessio

"Babe" you gently shake him "come on babe please get up! We gotta go"

You shake him a little harder.

His eyes start opening in closing

"Good babe follow my voice we have to leave" you continue shaking him

His eyes open fully aware and terrified

"Babe come on we have to go!" You untie him quickly and wrap his arm around you

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