Ch31:Uh okay

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"Wait!" Jack yells catching up to you and Miya

The three of you reach the trampolines and climb in

((Idk a national// worldwide trampoline park so i'm just a basing it off of the popular one we have where I live called Skyzone they're all like the same I think))

The three of you start jumping

"Watch this!" Miya says doing a backhand spring

"No mine is better!" Jack says front flipping into a butt bomb

((Idk if that's what you guys call them. When you bounce in your butt and pop back up.))

You just laugh and continue jumping

You hop over to the opening of the trampoline area and look out towards the benches

You see Alessio and Benjamin looking towards the front door

You look and see the others were here

"I'll be right back" you say getting off the trampolines and walking over to Alessio

The others reached him before you do and you watch Gio and Alessio do some weird handshake

You finally catchup

"Ayyye (y/n) I hear you got some bars" Gio laughs

"Nothing special Alessio is just dramatic" you say blowing it off

"No for real I wanna hear you spit"

You couldn't pass up on this joke he created

"Kinda weird but okay." You shrug
and start hacking up a wad of spit

"(Y/n)!" Alessio says laughing

"You walked into that" you say laughing looking at Gio

"Ahaha" he sarcastically laughs

"no but later if Benjamin is cool with it. I wanna come over and fuck around and make a song" Gio says

"Bet" Alessio says

"bEt" you mock Alessio

They continued talking about music and you became bored

Everyone was just standing around so you look to see who all came

Kyrease and Lucas were standing there talking into the phone on what you assumed was Instagram live.

Lucas snatched the phone from Kyrease and runs up to you

"And this is lil cutie (y/n) y'all already know what's up! We got the whole gang out here!" He says holding the phone so both his and your face was on the screen

You throw up a peace sign and walk away before Lucas makes you hold the phone and talk.

You see Matt sitting at a table and posing and Kenzie was holding his phone taking a picture

"Mmm no that angle makes his face look fat" you say peaking over Kenzie shoulder while she snaps a picture

"What? No-"

Give Kenzie a *shut up* look and grab Matt's phone from her

"Try like this" you say flipping the camera away from Matt and toward both of your faces

Kenzie smirks at you and you both take selfies while Matt poses thinking your taking pictures of him

You then flip the camera and snap some lazy shots of him and hand him back his phone

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