Ch4:Talking talking

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You tried following Alessio through the thick crowd of people but eventually lose him.

How the fuck does he just disappear he's like 10 feet tall? You wonder

You decide to just make your way back to his car. It was opposite the direction that he ran to so you had to head all the way across the house.

The music picks up again and people shake off what just happened but you couldn't. As you made you way across the house all you could think about was why?

Why would he beat Parker up for you? And my importantly why would he do all of this for you anyways???

You eventually find yourself at Alessio's car and you just wait. Still trying to figure out what he wants. You eventually give up the wait and worry technique and try calling him.

It's rings and rings and rings and rings but he did pick up!

"Hello" he says with a bored tone

"Alessio I'm waiting for you at your car" you sigh

"Just have Benjamin give you a ride home (y/n), I'm not in the mood." Alessio sniffs

"Alessio have you been crying?!" You heart breaks a little

"(Y/n) seriously call an Uber or something" Alessio says curtly before hanging up.

"Ha, if really knows me then he knows I'm not going to drop this until the problem is solved." You respond climbing onto the hood of his car and sitting.

You waited for another hour before Alessio showed up.

"I thought I told you to leave" Alessio sighs

"Well I don't listen" you say getting off the hood of his car. "We need to talk"

"I know" he says opening his car door. "Get in" he motions

You get in and buckle up and he pulls away from the party that was getting more chaotic by the minuet.

He silently drives for about 15 minuets before you couldn't take it.

"What was that?" You ask

"He disrespected you (y/n). I was just standing up for you" he says staring at the road.

"No, it was more than that and you know it. Alessio talk to me." You say turning and facing him.

"(Y/n) when we first met... I knew we were going to be close. We see each other everyday, we're the same age, and our characters are love interests" he says "but then we started hanging outside of work.....And things changed" he says glancing at you before his eyes return to the road.

"What do you mean things changed?" You asked

"Really?" Alessio looks at you like you're dumb

"You mean you're into me?" You laugh

"Why are you laughing?" Alessio asks irritation lacing his voice.

"Because if you were into me all you have to do is say something." You laugh
"You don't have to beat up my ex and do crazy favors. Which I do appreciate by the way." You say.

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