Ch50: iM aLLeRgIc tO cAtS

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"Oh. Nice to meet you?" You say

"You too. I've heard so many great things about you" she smiles shaking your hand

"Thank you?" You say

"After you went into a coma I was out of sorts for..months until I met Hailey" he looks over at her lovingly and smiles

She blushes back

And you roll your eyes

"I'm gonna be sick" You say sitting up quickly

Alessio quickly grabs a trash can and you shoo both of them out of the room.

As soon as they exit you throw the empty trash can on the ground and roll over crying

Your mom enters the room and rushes towards you

"Sweetie are you okay!??" She says

"Is she alright" you hear Alessio ask

"Make them leave" you say through your tears

"(Y/n)-" Alessio says before you cut him off

"LEAVE" you shout

You don't watch as he silently walks out

"(Y/n) what the hell is that about" your mom says

"Mom I was in a coma for almost a YEAR dreaming that Alessio and I had built a life with each other and now..he's not even mine" you say choking on your tears

"Aww (y/n)" your mom says embracing you

"My whole life is a disaster" you say crying even harder

"Nooo shhhhh" your mom says consoling you

You finally manage to wipe up your tears and regain a little sanity

"Well now that you're not a moping mess there is one other person waiting to see you" your mom smiles

"Who?" You ask

You're mom walks to the door and motions for someone to come in

"(Y/n)!" Miya says smiling

"Oh my god Miya!" you say getting out of bed

You embrace each other

She looks so different. She looks older

"I missed you" she says

"I missed you more" you smile

Even in your dream Miya hasn't been around in a while

"We really need to catch up" Miya says

"I know I'm gonna die cooped up here" You say chuckling

"You'll be out tomorrow" your mom says

"Thank god" you and Miya say at the same time

You chat with Miya for the rest of the night her really helping the time pass

She told you everything that's happened for her. How her acting career has boosted

You caught her up on your life in a coma

And you're life now.

And you might've cried a bit more

"It's ten visitor hours are over" a nurse says peeking her head in

"Nooooo!!! well we definitely have to talk again soon" Miya says gathering her things to go

"I go home tomorrow so hit me up" you say

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