Ch5:Never have you ever

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It's been a few months since you and Alessio started talking and you've also made it through almost all of the filming.

Today is the day that you and Alessio have to film the kissing scene between Gabrielle and Alissa.  You were nervous but kinda excited.

You change into your outfit for the scene Get you hair and makeup done.

you then start walking to the set. As you were walking you hear footsteps coming up behind you.

"Big day" Alessio says catching up to you.

"Yup" you say popping the *p*

"Hey what's wrong" he asks looking at you.

"Nothing" you fake smile

"Really (y/n) we've been talking for months I know something is bothering you" he replies

"I don't know I'm just nervous" you sigh

"To kiss me!?" He stops walking and turns toward you. "I don't know if I should be honored or offended" he frowns.

"Offended. Definitely offended" you joke.

"(Y/n)" Alessio intertwines his hands in yours. "It's gonna be okay." He says

"I know. It's just we aren't even dating yet and I have to kiss you" you say

"It's for the movie. It doesn't count" Alessio squeezes your hand in reassurance

"I'm definitely not complaining" you laugh. "It just feels forced." You say

"Like we don't get to do it on our own time" he finishes your thought.

"Exactly" you reply

"I get it. But it's our job so we just gotta suck it up"Alessio says pulling you along again.

"Momma ain't raise no bitch!" You yell "let's do this" you say jogging the last 5 steps to the set.

"ACTION" the director yells

*acting mode**

"Gabriel If I have to fight this thing on my own I want you to know I love you" Alissa looks into Gabriel's eyes.

"(Y/n) no there has to be another way" Gabriel says with tears in his eyes.

"There isn't Gabriel! Look around!" Alissa motions toward Alex, Zhen Zhen, and Dariush distracting an even more dangerous alien.

"I'm not leaving you!" Gabriel shouts

"You have to!" You say

"Please Alissa" Gabriel whimpers

Alissa grabs his face and pulls him into a deep passionate kiss. Maybe a little to passionate.

"I have to" Alissa says letting him go

She runs and screams. "HEY YOU BIG UGLY BICH"

The alien turns shrieks and starts chasing her.

"Go save the world again!" She shouts over her shoulder.

"CUT!" The director yells

"Alright a couple more runs and then we'll break" he says "oh and (y/n)"

"Yep!" You say snapping out of a daydream

"It's a kiss, not. Make out session... We get it you guys are a thing" the director says making everyone laugh

"Sorry" you look down cheeks Turing red.

"Don't worry I didn't mind" Alessio whispers in you ear before return to his original spot.

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