Ch24:Hahahaha i wanna die

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I'm currently stranded on the interstate waiting for tire people tho show up and fix my sisters popped tire

We've already been waiting for an hour and a half🙄

On top of that I have to FUCKING PISS💀💀

So to take my mind off of things I figured I would write🙃

You wake up the next morning snuggled up into Alessios arms.

You smile and turn towards him

"Babe get up" you say running your hands through his hair

"Hmmm" he hums blinking

"We need to get ready for the trial" you say

"Ugh" he sits up. "I don't have any clothes here" he says staring at the floor almost falling asleep again

"Aye love dove your parents dropped these off after you fell asleep" your dad bathed into your room throwing the bag at Alessio

"Perfect timing dad" you laugh "but you lucky I he wasn't naked" you joke/complain about him barging in.

"He better not be naked in here the fuck!?" He looks at you suspiciously. "(Y/n) how about you come hang in the living room until Alessio is changed"

"Nah I'm good" You say getting up and looking through your closet

"It wasn't a question" you dad say opening the door wider for you to exit

"Okay jeez" you laugh and grumble at the same time

You walk downstairs into the living room where your mom was sitting looking at her phone

"What are you doing?" You ask sitting next to her

"Well as soon as this trials over we're gonna have to get you a new agent. And I'm also thinking a publicist" she says staring at her phone

"Why a publicist??" You ask

"When people see your face I don't want the dirt thing they think about to be Parker or Vicky" she says

"True" you sigh

You hear your door creek open and see Alessio come down the stairs

He's wearing a casual yet almost to fancy to be casual kind of outfit.

To be honest you were digging it.

You bite your lip as he walks toward you.

"Ooo Alessio you look nice" your mom says

Alessio looks at you smiling

You just smirk and stand up

"I'm gonna go get dressed" you say bumping Alessios shoulder as you walk past him

You walk back up the stairs to your room

You shut the door and pick out an outfit.

You shut the door and pick out an outfit

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