Ch23:Trial pt.2

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You snicker and look at Alessio

He looked doubtful

"Well go on then mr...Pickle" the judge starts

"Well my girlfriend Vicky and I were hanging out at my house when we heard something crash. We had no idea what it was so we grabbed defense weapons and followed the noise. When we got outside we saw (y/n) and Alessio sitting in the car laughing. I knocked on (y/n)s window and-" Parker starts sniffling

"And then Alessio got out of the car and snatched the bat from me. (Y/n) tried to stop Alessio but she accidentally got knocked in the head when Alessio was swinging at me" he sighs

"I tried to fight him off and finally won" Parker continues

"This actually sounds plausible you think people are gonna believe this bs?" You lean and whisper to Alessio

"I sure fucking hope they don't" he says as his knees start bobbing up and down and he starts biting his nails

You just rub his back and continue to listen

"So at this point Vicky and I managed to tie up (y/n) and Alessio" he says "we were gonna call the cops until they broke free. (Y/n) started chasing me with a knife and Alessio was attacking Vicky. I managed to steal the knife away from (y/n) as the police were showing up. I got scared and ran." He shrugs

"So elaborate on why this is Alessio Scalzottos fault" the defense attorney asks

"Alessio has corrupted (y/n). He's convinced her I'm the bad guy" he says "Alessio hates me from the start he beat me up at a party. He's also Vicky's ex and he hated her. He provbalt tried to kill her while (y/n) was chasing me. She didn't die so he finished the job in the ambulance"

"Objection your honor he's insinuating tha-"your lawyer was cut off

"I know what he was insinuating. We will take recess until tomorrow. Lawyers I need to speak with you in my chambers NOW" the judge stands up and walks away.

"So basically Parker gets to screw over Alessio and no one gets to defend him until tomorrow!?!" You yell at the judge as she scurries away ignoring you.

Parker gets up from the stand and laughs at Alessio as he is being escorted away by police.

"You laugh like it's funny but your the one wearing shackles Mr. Pickle" you say rolling or eyes

Parker doesn't respond. You take Alessio by the hand and drag him with you.

You and Alessio find both of your families standing next to each other.

"What the hell was that!?" You say to your mom

"I don't know. They can't fall for what he just said" You mom says in disbelief

"Hunny are you okay?" Alessios mom says grabbing his arm

"Huh.. yes I uh I don't know. I need air" he says walking away

"What the hell is happening" you say rubbing your temples

Right after you hear a door slam.

You look up and your lawyer fuming.

She walks towards you.

"What's going on!?" You ask her once she approaches you

"They have to re-open the investigation for 48 hours" she huffs

"What the fuck why! Your telling me the judge actually believes this shit?!" You hollar

"Unfortunately. But everything should be okay though. If they don't find any evidence concluding that is is true you and Alessio will be on your way" she says

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