Ch19:Wanna know why?

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Ch19:Everyone leaves and you lay there contemplating.

How the hell did Vicky die

I knocked her out... when would she even have the chance TO die.

I know I didn't kill her

I hope I didn't kill her

You finally drift off


You wake up when your hospital bed dips down.

You didn't open your eyes. You knew who it was you can smell Alessios cologne.

"I know your mad but there is such a good reason why I didn't say anything" Alessio whispers kissing your cheek

He thinks your asleep you realize.

He lays next to you and holds you

"It's not something I wanted to do. It's something everyone says they want to do or could do. Until they have to do it" Alessio starts sniffling.

You couldn't take hearing him cry. He's your everything.

"Babe, why are you crying" you turn towards him and hold his face on your hands.

"I killed her" he starts sobbing


"Alessio what the hell are you talking about" you say sitting up.

Alessio sits up and looks at you. His face was red, he had heavy tears running down his face and little snot down his nose

"I killed Vicky" he says leaning into you.

You hold him as he cries into your arms

You didn't ask any questions you just let him cry. You stroked his hair as his teardrops left water marks on your hospital gown.

It stayed that way for a full ten minuets.

Finally you got the courage to speak.

"How?" You ask softly

"Well the ambulance was on the way to the hospital when I woke up again. You were passed out and the medic was trying to stabilize you." He says sniffling

"That's when I saw her in the corner. She  had a knife in her hand. And she looked." Alessio pauses and tries to keep himself from crying again.

"She looked ready kill you." He wipes his face

"She was in the ambulance when we left?" You ask

"Yea I guess so" he says "so I yelled at the medic and she pounced"

"She jumped on the medic and tried to cut him with the knife" he dazed off as if reliving the entire thing.

"I jumped up and pulled her off of him. but she got loose and tried going for you. The medic caught her before she could reach you and she tried stabbing him again." He shakes his head and snaps back to reality

"She wasn't going to give up so I grabbed a scalpel that was laying near me." He starts shaking "she uh... she stabbed the medic in the leg and got away from him again. She was standing right over you with a knife above your chest and it wasthe only thing I could do-" he cuts himself off crying again

"Oh my god Alessio!!" You say pulling him back into your arms.

"I had to choose between saving you and killing h h h her" he stutters and his entire body shakes.

"Look at me." You say

Alessio looks at you.

"You did what you had to do. You literally saved my life. I wouldn't be here with you right now if you didn't" you say

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