Welcome to the big leagues

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Grian was thrilled, yet so scared. Today he would meet with the high order, the leaders of the Watchers. Indomia had promised him she would be there at all times, yet she would't interfere if she didn't have to. Walking down the corridors Grian couldn't help but to feel small among all these Watchers who had been at it for years.

All of a sudden loud laughter echoed throughout the corridor, Grian had jumped high and his feathers where now puffed out. Indom sighed, "You can relax Grian," he looked at her as if she was crazy, "I'm serious, it's just my sister and her friend"

Suddenly two figures rounded a corner the first one was short almost as short as him, she had long dark brown hair, two cat ears, a golden crown and black eyes with pale blue slits. She is wearing the Watcher outfit and a pair of giant leathery brown wings sat on her back. The girl next to her was also in a Watcher uniform but she had black and red hair, one of her eyes was red and the other blue, her wings where also black and red. One of them seamed to have told a joke and the other seamed to have found it funny also as they where both laughing.

Indomia sighed deeply, this must be a normal occurrence. "Hey, Ind! What are you and Sam doing here?" the short girl, Ind, turned to her sister and quickly walked over.

"Indom! It's good to see you again!" It was now that she noticed Grian, "And who is this?"

Indom nudged Grian, to tell him to introduce himself, "I'm Grian, and I'm a new Watcher"

Before any of the two Watchers could say anything more Indomia butted in, "Why are you back at HQ? Shouldn't you be watching over your worlds?"

Here Ind snorted, "And not deliver the paperwork? Seriously, I know your the older twin but you don't get to make me not hand in my paperwork", Sam nudged on Ind's arm and pointed to the clock on the wall, "Now I got to go, good luck new guy!"     

They quickly walked away, and Grian was still in a bit of shock. "Who are they?"

Indom sighed, again, "That was my younger twin sister and her friend, Sam. You'll probably see the around. My sister is good at making statues, and Sam I haven't seen that often so I don't know what she's good at,"

"But why was she wearing a crown?"

Indom froze here, she took a deep breath before continuing, "Because we use to be royalty, that was before the castle was stormed and our parents killed. The day of the attack was also when we became Watchers" 

She didn't say anything after that, she just kept walking to the high order's office.

Backstory! Woo!         

Also if none of you got it Sam is thebirdfantasy 

Well I wish you all a lovely existence, bye!

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